Friday, March 1, 2013

Jessica and Joe at War Over Billion-Dollar Fortune

Jessica Simpson and her father square off over control of her billion-dollar fortune in the midst of her parents messy divorce.

ALREADY stressed over her dad Joe’s stunning gay confession last year, pals say things have grown even worse for JESSICA SIMPSON!
The ENQUIRER has learned that Joe is now targeting Jessica’s billion-dollar fortune in his increasingly bitter divorce from the pregnant beauty’s mom Tina.
Since Tina co-owns Jess’ wildly successful fashion empire, friends fear the 32-year-old blonde bomb¬shell may have to sell her business to help her mom fund the whopping $250 million payout Joe is seeking.
“Joe believes that he’s entitled to an even split of Tina’s portion of Jessica’s business, which he figures to be about $250 million,” said a source. “And he’s going to fight to the bitter end to get it.
“Now that his gay secret is out, Joe doesn’t think he has anything to lose by playing down and dirty.”
As THE ENQUIRER previously reported in November, Tina pulled the plug on her 34-year marriage after Joe came out as gay.
Although Jessica – who’s expect¬ing baby No. 2 with fiance Eric Johnson – shunned Joe after his stunning confession, they called a temporary truce at the December wedding of Jessica’s BFF and former personal assistant, CaCee Cobb.
But he’s still at war with Tina, 52. According to reports, she tried to settle with Joe by offering him $100 million, but the 55-year-old former youth minister is holding out for more. He’s even reportedly pushing to move the contentious divorce case from the couple’s native Texas to California, where Joe believes a judge will look more favorably on his gay indiscretions.
Already, they’ve been working to liquidate their properties, and their Encino, Calif., mansion is now on the block for $3.99 million. Sources say the two have moved into separate residences, Tina in Malibu and Joe at a rental condo in Santa Monica.
Meanwhile, Tina is livid over how much money her estranged hubby is spending, particularly the $300,000 from their jointbank account sources say he blew on a luxury vacation to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.
“Tina is furious at the thought of Joe using their joint money to whisk one of his young lovers off for a romantic getaway,” added the source. “Now she’s out for revenge."
Jacked from The National Enquirer


Anonymous said...

Did this dude ever confirm that he was a fag?

Anonymous said...

The LOVE of money is the ROOT of ALL evil!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Very sad that these were church-going people with a so-called strong belief in God. A youth minister who is now gay? Hmmm...

Anonymous said...

The devil goes to church every Sunday.

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