Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Amanda Bynes Still Twitter Stalking Drake

Amanda Bynes continues her quest for Drake's attention Tweeting the rapper is King.

Amanda Bynes isn't giving up on her goal to bag Drake just yet. And since a not-so-subtle approach didn't work the first time she's decided to try, try again on Twitter for everyone to see.
A few weeks ago the former Nickelodeon star tweeted that she wanted Drake to "murder her vagina" (she didn't even delete that tweet), but since the Toronto rapper hasn't responded, Bynes tried again on Sunday night (April 21). This time she simply tweeted"@drake King," including a photo of his face...in case Drake needed a reminder of what he looked like. Our guess is that Drake will continue to ignore these advances, but can you blame him?
Last week Bynes got pissed off at Complex magazine, and during her rant she even threw some shots at Kid Cudi. "I'm so sick of the articles u write about me. I want every fake article deleted," she tweeted. "Ur d--- whipped by my ugly ex @ducidni who's looks and talent have always been questionable to me, him being the ugly duckling that he is and all. U quote him non stop, then take professional shots of him for ur covers, his best photos aren't sh-- compared to mine at my best."
Editor's Note: After seeing this post Amanda Bynes hit us on Twitter with a special request: "Stop posting old pics! I'm on twitter every day posting new pics for whatever you write! Thanks Forever! @MTVRapFix." She included the above photo in that tweet, so we obliged and switched it up for her.
Jacked from Rap Fix


Anonymous said...

Bon Voyage! You, my lady are farrr gone!

Anonymous said...

Seek help immediately!

Anonymous said...

Mental illness is no joke

Anonymous said...

All the stuff above printed about Amanda, if the same stuff had been written about a black girl. Yall would be calling the black girl every vile disgusting inhumane name you could think of.

Since shes white, shes a mentally ill 27 year old little girl. Hell everybody has a little mental illness.

Anonymous said...



Since shes white, shes a mentally ill 27 year old little girl. Hell everybody has a little mental illness.


People refuse to pay attention. They assume it could never happen to them.

Anonymous said...

why is everything a fuckin race issue on this site ?

the bitch is crazy, that's all that's needed to be said.

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