Friday, April 26, 2013

John Boehner's Daughter Set to Marry Rastafarian

House Speaker John Boehner's daughter Marie Boenher will marry Jamaican born Rastafarian Dominic Lakhan on May 10 in Florida.

This is the Jamaican-born fiancé of House Speaker John Boehner's daughter, pictured just weeks before their upcoming nuptials.
The construction worker was spotted enjoying a McDonalds in Florida recently, with his dreadlocks piled high on his head underneath a knitted cap.
Dominic Lakhan, 38, has been arrested for possessing marijuana in the past. This may not have gone down well with Boehner - who is a staunch opponent to legalizing the drug.
Lindsay Marie Boehner, 35, is set to marry Lakhan on May 10 in Delray Beach, Florida.
In 2006, Lakhan was arrested in Pembroke Pines, Florida for misdemeanor possession of two grams of marijuana during a traffic stop, the National Enquirer first reported.
The police report from the incident states that 'upon making contact with the driver,' an officer 'observed in plain view a 16 oz. Natural Lite beer can opened in the driver door.'
The officer 'also detected the odor of burnt cannabis emitting from the interior of the vehicle,' the police report continues.
'A search of the vehicle revealed two bags containing approximately TWO grams of suspected cannabis… inside the center of the ashtray.'
The arresting officer reported that Lakhan admitted to possessing the marijuana and said it was for personal use.
Court records show Lakhan, who is originally from Jamaica, was also arrested in 2003 for possession of an open container while driving.
Lindsay Boehner lives in a four-bedroom home in Hollywood, Florida, less than an hour from Lakhan's home in Delray Beach.
Boehner has one other daughter, 32-year-old Tricia, who lives in Ohio with her husband, James Kinney.
Boehner has said in the past that he is 'unalterably opposed' to legalizing marijuana, even for medical purposes.
'Whether it is the American Medical Association, the American Cancer Society - all of those people, by and large don’t believe there is any medicinal value in marijuana,' Boehner told CNN in 2009.
Jacked from The Daily Mail


Anonymous said...

That's because he's an ASSHOLE and even though this man may be s hard working cool dude to his father in law he'll always be a NON AMERICAN BORN POT SMOKING JAMAICAN NIGGER who married into his white family going to fuck up his pure Honkey blood mix racing needless to say HE'S PIST LOL he truly feels he is really just giving her away while she's getting docked down like never before and its gonna be hers forever and dude he's living the American dream excited for the Christmas card! :0)

Anonymous said...

Goody for this racist Oopa Loopa! Hope the racists in his own club hold him under much suspicion and revoke his peckerwood card!

Anonymous said...

You racist pig.....I know Dominic and Lindsay. They both are wonderful people and for you to make such horrible comments is disgraceful. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Babies are going to be tall and slender. Thus, less Health care spending on obesity and diabetes. Also, at least she gets additions to her house for free. In the negative side... those open containers makes me think he may drink too much. Alcoholism can degrade any race.

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