Monday, May 6, 2013

Paris Jackson Spends Grandmother's Birthday with Bio-Mom

Paris Jackson skipped her grandmother Katherine Jackson's 83rd birthday to spend the day with her birth mother Debbie Rowe.

Paris Jackson spent most of Saturday with her biological mother Debbie Rowe -- looking at horses, playing with her hair ... real mother/daughter stuff -- and what's particularly interesting ... they were hanging the same day as grandma Katherine Jackson's birthday.
Paris and Debbie were way out in Palmdale, CA where Debbie lives -- so if Paris saw Katherine at all yesterday ... it wasn't for long.
The belated bond between Paris and Debbie is clearly tight.
Jacked from TMZ


Anonymous said...

Katherine has enough grandchildren & family members to spend her birthday with. She doesn't need MJs white lab rat messing up her birthday. Its bad enough, shes stealing the family fortune & coattail riding off the Jackson name..

BeyonceLawsuit said...

somehow i dont grandma is having a good bday

Anonymous said...

Katherine is a Jehovah's Witness which means she doesn't celebrate her birthday anyway, so I highly doubt she gave a rat's rump about Paris being away on that particular day.

Anonymous said...

She cannot steal what is given to her, dumbass.

Ms Katherine will have a great birthday in spite. Who, besides Paris, cares if she is with her birth mother? Whatever.

Anonymous said...


shes not a Jackson, shes coattail riding dumbass. I don't care what you say crybaby.

Anonymous said...

White people are not Black peoples' friend, the sooner Black people realize this the better of the Black race will be, white people will turn on Black people in a minute, you definitely cannot trust whites. Its a shame Michael hated his own beatiful Black race so much, that he wanted to be white, and wanted his kids to be white and look where it got him - AEG about to destroy his legacy with all his secrets, and make sure the little dignity he had left is gone forever. So sad.

Anonymous said...

The name was given to her. She cannot coattail ride on what is hers. SMH. She may not biologically be a Jackson, but she is legally, stupid.

Anonymous said...

2:35 Perhaps you need to tell step and fetchit that being that they are so close to goop and her hubby. AEG cannot destroy what is set in stone. It doesn't matter what they say, present in court about MJ. There is no denying his musical contribution and that cannot be taken away from him.
Hate all you want.

Anonymous said...

Of course the rapid vulture is alway lurking around posts regarding MJ/MJ3. Lab rats. Ok. Sure. Don't get all hurt when some go for ol lil boy blucifer.

Anonymous said...


I've been trying to tell this uncle Tomicina on this site the same thing. but all she does is whine & moan over MJs three white lab rats like they are her children.

Anonymous said...


Hey uncle Tomicina, there you are. Still crying over this lab rat are you? BOO HOO!! hehe!!

Yeah lil boy blucifer is soooooo cute. & hes RICH. At least hes not a white devil, coattailriding off the Jackson family name & stealing the Jackson family fortune.

I'm sorry you need to pick on a innocent black baby, cause you're so upset over this test tube showing her true colors to be a BITCH!!!

Shes stealing everything, even spots on the cheerleading team at her school. She can barely lift her leg up. I can kick my leg up higher than
that & shes STIFF as a board. Cheerleaders don't move like that. This useless lab rat didn't learn any moves from MJ. I feel sorry for the girl that lost her cheerleading spot to this stiff imposter. She dances like her bones are broken..just like every other white devil..

Glad shes away from the Jackson family. Now if we can just get her GRUBBY hands off their money.

You need to calm down uncle Tomicina, STOP IT, you're embarrassing yourself!!

Anonymous said...


Okay uncle Tomicina, I know you are hurting over this lab rat. You have such a soft spot in your heart for white devils. And you hate black babies. I can't imagine what that must feel like as a black woman.

I'm gonna admit that this lab rat is cute for a blue eyed dragon. Plus shes doing the right thing by going to live with her mom.Nevertheless, shes still NOT a Jackson. Shes MJs science project & she was made in a jar.

Anonymous said...

6:04/6:28 0_o SMH. Sybil stalking these kids per the usual and making no damn sense at all. One messed up chick. I have never seen her cheer. So, her being "stiff as a board" is nothing I will bother to comment on. I am not obsessed with them. She was MJs science project and made in a jar. Ok. Then, its ok to say blucifer was in a turkey baster and petri dish. Only fair, right? You act like she is "stealing" money from you. Comprehension is not your strong point. Again, LEGALLY they are Jacksons. What you are saying (mindless drivel) will not stand in a court of law. Now, would you ol militant one feel the same way if Jolie and Pitt left the little black girl penniless in the event of their passing? After all, she isn't a Jolie or a Pitt. According to your insane way of thinking, she should be left without money because of that fact. I named her cause I just figure you would not care about the two other adopted children being that they are not black. What's it to you what this kid does or what she stands to inherit? You can just hate on. It is what it is.

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that AEG is questioning the paternity and legality of all three of Michael Jackson's kids. Yep AEG will find out who is the blood father and mother of all Michael's kids. AEG will probably expose how they were created and bought on the black market, just a thought. Ha and you all thought Janet Jackson wanted that stupid little girls chump change money!!

Anonymous said...

I'm still curious as to whether Debbie still has the money Michael paid her to have those kids and sign away her parental rights. Cuz she sure went from 'I had no interest in them' to a 'hands-on Mom'. Is the money gone and she figured Paris will take care of her? If AEG questions the paternity, how will that affect the will? Lots of questions..........

Anonymous said...

Paris is nobody's fool. She knows the Jacksons will make her as nutty as they are. And she's not gonna disown her mama--not unless Debbie does something stupid. Good for Paris--she seems to have more sense and courage than all the Jacksons put together.

xnxx said...

Katherine is a Jehovah's Witness which means she doesn't celebrate her birthday anyway, so I highly doubt she gave a rat's rump about Paris being away on that particular day.

Anonymous said...


Uncle Tomicina,You know damn well you saw that video of that lab rat trying to kick her leg up while attempting to cheer at her school.

& the only reason you keep bringing up Jolies adopted daughter is because you hate black babies & children? The little girl can take care of herself when she grows up. Shes not entitled to any of Jolies money .. Shes not related to her. Shes gonna wanna make her own living, shes not gonna be penniless.. You talk as if shes handicapped & will be unable to work.

The difference in the 2 cases is that the Jackson money belongs to the Jacksons, not 3 lab rats. Pitt & Jolies money belong to them.

Angelina is a white devil also. Although she trys so hard not to be a naturally sick white person, she can't help herself. Its in her nature to be a devil. She couldn't even fight the urge to tongue kiss her brother in public at award shows etc.? She was always kissing him in the mouth. She should have kept that behind closed doors.

I just hope Angelina doesn't let her pets lick all over the little black girl.

And again as i told you before, Sybil was a white woman with 28 personalities. I am not white & I only have One personality. Sybil & I have nothing in common.. You are very HARDHEADED, I told you to find a black person to compare me to.

Anonymous said...

7:43 I refer to you as Sybil because, like you, she was crazy as hell. You clearly have a problem with comprehension. I brought up Jolie's adopted daughter to show your ignorance. Sure, she will make her own way just as we all have to do at some point in our lives regardless of an inheritance. So, if she is in fact left out of the Jolie/Pitt will you would be ok with that? Sure you will. You concern yourself too much with the lives of "others". If you were content and happy with your own, you would not be so miserable and hateful. I don't 'hate' ANY children....regardless of color. That is crazy in my opinion. Obviously, you cannot say the same. Sick.

Anonymous said...


Uncle Tomicina,You keep saying I'm hateful. If you are so loving, why do you bash beyonce like shes not even human? you talk about the woman like she killed one of your family members. & If you don't hate black children. Why do you refer to blue as blucifer? you always call her Blucifer, shes just a innocent black baby. Yet,you are sensitive about white children & believe they are angels? You said you are a black woman, you're the one whose crazy as hell for hating your own race.
All you talk about is white people. You keep giving accolades & uplifting white singers while bashing a black woman in the same breath as if you want to conclude white women are better singers than blacks. You do this all the time.

Just because my opinions differ from yours, does not mean I'm

This is a site set up for people to express opinions. I don't concern myself too much with the lives of others. I'm just typing words on a blog..What I type does not have any power..My opinions are just words typed on a blog.

You want everyone to share your opinions. Thats not the way the world works. you are just gonna have to realize that all black people don't wanna be uncle Tomicinas & hate innocent black babies. We wanna take PRIDE in our race. Sorry but I could never be a house nigger like you. I'd blow my brains out first.

Lastly, you keep saying i have a problem with comprehension. What is it that you feel I should understand? How to think like a follower, follow suit. How to Jump on the band wagon etc..??& become politically correct... shower in propaganda?? Believe MJ was a proud black man???

How to refer to everyone that doesn't share the majority of the popular opinion as

needing to get a life
crazy as hell
living in a mental institution
taking medication( or as you all say" take your meds")
needing to sit down
needing to have a seat
being a stan
being a stain

I can go on & on......

I know everything. Whatever you wanna talk about.

Anonymous said...

Why would Michael pick that old fat sloppy wrinkled trailer park trash looking white woman to be the mother of his kids. Its sickening. I hope Paris takes a good look of what she will look like at her mothers' age in the near future. The fat sloppy cow was paid millions of dollars but it clear she is ignorant with no class. I should have known how low class Debbi was when she bought that ragedy piece of shit land in Lancaster, California - one of the poorest lowlife cities in CA.

Anonymous said...

Don't feed the troll.

Anonymous said...

Michael picked Debbie because she was white, poor, desperate and easy to control. He didn't want a real woman. Hell, he didn't want to deal with reality. His was a waste of talent because he could have been so much more than he was.

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