Queens of the Stone Age front man Josh Hommes blasts Jay Z for trying to search his band's bags at the Made in America Music Festival.
Queens of the Stone Age have blasted Jay Z as a ''kook'' because his security wanted to frisk him on their way in to perform at the Made in America festival.
The 'I Sat By The Ocean' band played at the hip-hop mogul's Made in America festival in Philadelphia earlier this month, but didn't enjoy the experience, as they were treated in a heavy handed manner by security.
Singer Josh Homme told US station CBC Radio 2: ''Made in America? with Jay Z? That guy's a kook, you know, He has security frisking the bands on the way in.
''I just told them [security] if you open up my bag we're not playing, so I guess its up to you if we're playing or not.
''I just put my bag up there and said, why don't you figure out what you're going to do.
''The idea that they frisked all my guys and stuff, means you're in a different place ... no-one's ever done that. Maybe that's a hip-hop thing or something.''
Josh added he was also less than impressed when he was then handed a bottle of champagne from Jay Z, because he was then asked to pose for a photo with it.
He added: ''He also gave us some champagne then wanted us to take a picture with it. I was like, 'That's not a gift - that's a marketing tool.' I destroyed it, because I thought it was rude overall.''Jacked from Contact Music
Why is he blaming Jay-Z about frisking? The US as a whole have become a police state. There are check points and stop and frisks at sporting events, bus terminals and the airport.
As far as the champagne bottle, that's typical promotion of a product, i.e, "putting niggaz on the corporate ho stroll."
First off I'mma need for him to get a cooler name for his rock band. Queen of the stone age? if this is true Jay Z is tripping, this is what happens when niggas make a lot of money and hang out with yt folks.
First off you are so disrespectful. He is not a "Kook" he's a "camel". Please get it right.
I'll take QOTSA over Jay Z any day
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