Tom Cruise is using a the help of a Scientology dating service to help him find a new wife.
TOM Cruise has enlisted the help of a dating service within the Church Of Scientology to help nab him his next wife.
The actor was married to Katie Holmes for five-and-a-half years, before she reportedly blindsided him by filing for divorce in June 2012.
Tom’s criteria includes that the new Mrs Cruise must have been a member of the Church for at least five years and be involved in the entertainment industry.
Tom also seeks a brainy woman in her mid-to-late 30s, according to a report from British magazine Grazia.
“Tom needs to be strict about his criteria because he wants to avoid a disastrous match and he needs them to understand his hectic lifestyle and all that comes with it,” a source said.
Tom is reported to have hit it off with the young lady at a recent gala event at the Scientology Celebrity Centre International in LA — though he’s keeping his options open for now.
“Tom seemed impressed, but he’s keen to see who else might be out there,” said the source.Jacked from Showbiz Spy
sounds like he is buying shoes. Just stay single dude.
Another match made in hell!
Any woman that seeks a relationship with this hell hound, needs her head examined. Katie lost an enormous amount of weight and looked like a meth head, by the time she escaped this dude.
^ LOL, true
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