Reality show mom Kate Gosselin was left red-faced after her 13-year-old twins go silent on live TV when they were supposed to be defending their life in front of the camera.
Despite Kate Gosselin's command to her twin daughters to just "spit it out," neither Cara nor Mady Gosselin were interested in speaking much on the "Today" show Thursday.
The 13-year-old twins, who became famous as kids on the TLC reality show "Jon & Kate Plus 8," appeared on the morning show along with their mother for an interview with "Today's" Savannah Guthrie.
The segment was supposed to be a chance for the twins to elaborate on the conversation they sparked with People magazine last week, in which they said their lives are pretty normal for having grown up under the lens of reality TV.
The only problem was that neither twin wanted to speak up during the awkward sit-down -- instead, they glanced around at their mom and each other.
Jacked from CNN
I had to stop watching their show because of how Kate talked to her husband- like a dog. It was very difficult for me to watch.
These girls are on the verge of real rebellion-they don't want to be controlled by their bitch of a mother!
Those kids look full Asian, which is funny, cause their dad is 1/2 Asian.
Anyway...why is Kate Gosselin still around? Didn't her 15 mins expire several years ago?
I stopped watching that show, after seeing what an ugly person she was and who emasculated her husband. that shit was disturbing to watch on so many level"s she needs to accept her 15 minutes was over years ago and get the fuck on. this was by far one of the most unlikable tv personality, you just wanted to slap this bitch down.
Looks like they didn't say what was put in looks like they want to say their life is HORRIBLE.....but mom is trying to get them to say what she has told them to say.
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