Monday, January 6, 2014

Kim Kardashian Accused of Photoshopping Curves

Kim Kardashian caught using photoshop to enhance her curves on Instagram.
Kim Kardashian headed to the gym to complete her endeavor to lose weight and look great after the birth of her baby girl, North. It seems she connected with Blac Chyna, a former exotic dancer who is currently engaged to rapper Tyga. The ladies hit the powder room and decided to take some selfies of their bootylicious, hot bodies. Some viewers are stating the pictures were photoshopped while others are claiming the ladies look great.
What has people in an uproar over the pictures? It appears there is some distortion to the photo that is typically seen when a picture is photoshopped. The door in the back shows a tinge of warp and that is all some need to call Kardashian a phony.
Jacked from Liberty Voice  


Anonymous said...

Bitch, put down your camera phone and go take care of you baby for once!

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why her lazy ass has nannies taking care of her baby while she literally does nothing but take pictures of herself all day.

Anonymous said...

Can someone please push her off a bridge, a mountain, something???

Anonymous said...

Why don't she just admit her illusion failed. Kim's hips and behind changes like the waves in an ocean. Her first concern should be the baby and not what body part to accentuate.

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