Woody Allen's adopted daughter Dylan called out Alec Baldwin and Cate Blanchett in her open letter about being sexually abused by Woody Allen when she was seven years old. Alec and Cate respond.
Dylan Farrow ends her open letter detailing her sexual abuse claims against her adoptive father, Woody Allen, by singling out several actors who have starred in the director's films, asking pointedly, "What if it had been your daughter?"
First on her list was Cate Blanchett, a frontrunner for the Best Actress Oscar for her performance in last year's Blue Jasmine, directed by Allen. At the Santa Barbara International Film Festival on Saturday night, journalist Jeffrey Wells asked Blanchett for her response.
"It's obviously been a long and painful situation for the family and I hope they find some sort of resolution and peace," Blanchett said, according to Wells.
Blanchett's costar Alec Baldwin, who also was singled out by Farrrow, took to Twitter in a typically blunt way. "What the f&@% is wrong w u that u think we all need to b commenting on this family's personal struggle?" he responded to someone asking whether Baldwin owes Dylan an apology.
To another, he wrote: "So you know who's guilty? Who's lying? You, personally, know that?" He also Tweeted: "You are mistaken if you think there is a place for me, or any outsider, in this family's issue."
Other stars of Allen movies whose representatives PEOPLE has contacted have had no comment. Among celebrities offering support for Farrow was Lena Dunham, who Tweeted: "To share in this way is courageous, powerful and generous." She adds: "Grateful my timeline is full of so much love and respect for Dylan."Jacked from People
This guy married and had sex with his adopted daughter. Cate doesn't care about that. She only cares about the awards.
Yeah, Alec.....what more proof is necessary? Clearly Woody abused his position as a father, an adoptive caregiver and a human being. Yes, WE ALL KNOW HE DID IT, Alec - he married Soon-Yi. Asshole.....
None of them care about this. These people know what a monster Woody Allen is. And isn't Alec Baldwin the one who called his own daughter a pig? what does he care about anyone else's?
I didn't expect them to take a stand against this pedophile, that industry is filled with his type in position of "authority" to make you a "star".
All them kids need to look at their mother and put her on blast instead of the actors starring in his films - shit her mother was the one who allowed her to be molested.
Where the fuck was Mia Farrow in all of this (don't say that bitch didn't know what was going on) - that bitch allowed her kids to be molested she is a pathetic mother. Please!! A mother knows damn well what is going on with her children. That bitch Mia didn't give a shit because she was living the life. Mia knew damn well Woody was screwing her adopted daughter - it wasn't until Woody kicked her to the curb for the daughter that Mia being pissed, put all thier business out their. I find Mia (the mother) just as sick and disgusting as Woody Allen. and I would bet alot of money that she allowed Woody to have his way with their kids - she is a lowlife piece of shit from way back in the day when she fucked her best friend's husband Andre Previn and got pregnant by him. She is truly the devil along with Woody Allen thats why they were together for all those years.
Fact: There are thousands of child molesters in holywood!
Fact: It's extremely rare for chesters in hollywood to be arrested and charged with pedophilia.
Fact: For over 90 years, millions of child celebrities have been drugged, molested and brutally raped!
at 2:58....the daughter says her mother supported her from the day she told her about the abuse. This is tragic and although many Mother's may very well be the blame, her daughter lay it squarely on the abuser Woody Allen. While we are at it what about R. Kelly, Michael and Roman Polanski. There are too many to name.
It's obvious Mia Farrow allowed Woody Allen to molest her daughter. That was her ticket to hollywood fame and fortune! She should be arrested for child endangerment!
i call bs, she just wants a pay day . i bet once she hit puberty she was running around the house naked, slutty clothing and trying to steal her moms man. she wont be the last teenage whore using their age as a defense for their actions
Hollywood has just as many child molesters as the Catholic church! If you think I'm lying, ask the woman who was raped by Roman Polanski.
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