Four suspected drug dealers have been arrested in connection with the death of actor Philip Seymour Hoffman.
Four people reportedly have been arrested in connection to drugs found in Philip Seymour Hoffman's apartment. According to New York Daily News, Police raided a Chinatown apartment on Mott Street at around 7 P.M. on Tuesday, February 4 and took the four people into custody. All of them are charged with possession of narcotics.
CBS News additionally reports that two men were arrested in one apartment with 50 bags of heroin. In another apartment, the police arrested one man and one woman with unspecified number of bags of heroin. Law enforcement officers reportedly found about 300 bags of heroin in another apartment. The drugs, however, have no "Ace of Spades" label just like the one which was found in Hoffman's apartment.
Det. Brian Sessa of NYPD confirmed to USA Today on early Wednesday that drugs were found during the search. When asked if the four people were connected to the actor's death, Sessa answered, "Not that we're aware of."
Hoffman was found dead of apparent overdose in his apartment on Sunday, February 2. His family announced on Tuesday that the funeral would be private. "In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made in Phil's name to two charities that were very close to his heart: The DreamYard Project and the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation," the statement read. U.K.'s Mirror reported that the funeral would take place on Friday at New York's St Ignatius of Loyola Catholic Church.Jacked from Ace Showbiz
Its sad the man died....sorry for that but....Every day people of color die from over dosing on shit..You dont see the man trying to find the dealers that sold the black man or black woman the "bad shit" this world is so ass backwards ...Shit is never a problem until some rich white person drops dead ...smh on that aspect of this story.....
That's the risk you take when you allow the devil in your ear. (Timothy 6:10)
An actor dies of overdose and the police want go kicking down doors, but had this happened to a regular junkie no action would have been taking. Addicts kill themselves daily, I guess they aren't high profile enough.
They must right a wrong. Whitney had cocaine in her room they didn't work diligently to find her supplier! Oh wait she's black and she was an known addict just like Seymour. Justice for different races.
Why is anyone under arrrst for this guy killing HIMSELF!!?? He's been a drug addict for years. I guess when you are a lily white star, people want answers. I hate that he chose to go out that way but really...its his fault. "Disease" or not. Why aren't more people angry at his disregard for his family? He was wealthy,he could have simply left hollywood.
People are still mad at Trayvon for smoking weed months before he was stalked and murdered. They find this "thug" with a needle hanging out of his arm and 70 bags of heroin and h is somehow a victim. What in the fuck????
I don't think they are looking for his dealers to avenge his death. The heroin they found in his apartment has killed dozens of people in I believe Philly and the NYPD is trying to avoid having it flood the streets before it begins killing NY addicts in high numbers.
Cosign with the above posters but also 3:47 PM cosign. at the end of the day addicts will find a way to get high, drug use is what keeps drug dealers in business.
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