The Tonight Show tries to monopolize late night TV by banning stars from appearing on competitive late night shows.
NBC is coming down like a hammer on celebs who want to get on Jimmy Fallon's show ... if they dare do a show on CBS or ABC ... they can forget about "The Tonight Show."
Sources connected to CBS, NBC and ABC tell TMZ ... the Peacock network believes Jimmy Fallon's ratings success gives them extreme bargaining power. They put the word out to celebs, agents and publicists ... if they want to be on Fallon they can't appear on ANY other network ... and not just shows that go head-to-head with Jimmy, but morning shows as well.
We're told NBC is saying the stars who go on Fallon are also allowed to appear on "Today," "Dateline" and any similar shows they air, but that's it.
A GMA source tells TMZ ... they've already gotten fallout from people they were trying to book.
Fallon is dominating late night .... crushing Jimmy Kimmel by bringing in more than twice the number of viewers.Jacked from TMZ
Jimmy ain't so nice after all. They all worship the same beast.
That's some bullshit. Celebs, agents, and publicist should boycott that bullshit. Like he made them, the nerve of this unfortunate looking motherfucker.
Echoing @11:00 AM's "That's some bullshit!" His talk show probably ain't all that, which is why he's trying to hog guests to keep people from tuning in to other late night shows, 'cause he wouldn't be able to compete.
Jimmy was never very funny. If he had to run the show solely on his wit & charm and without stunts or star power----he'd fail epically. He could never stand there like Johnny Carson and rule. I could never understand how this mediocre guy got the tonight show gig.
9:54am answered that question oh so well. Thank ya!
I think he's genius! Good for you Jimmy! One thing that Jimmy Fallon has over others - he really f****** imaginative and creative.
Nice job Jimmy!
NBC as a network is in decline. Ratings have been dropping steadily for years now. They got rid of Bazooka chin Leno because he came for President Obama a dozen times.
And co-sign @9:54AM, they all worship the same beast. Going on the Tonight show would be no different than going on Jimmy Kimbrel Show...
@8:38 pm - Yeah, I'm old enough to remember when NBC was THE network. All the new 1/2 hour series wanted to be on NBC and on the Thursday night lineup with Seinfeld, Friends and ER.
@ 9:20 that thursday night lineup was started by the Cosby show. Every other show coat tailed Cosby
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