New court documents reveal Kris Jenner was very hands on in planning Kanye West's big proposal to her daughter Kim Kardashian.
With an orchestra, fireworks, and friends and family looking on, Kanye West‘s proposal to Kim Kardashian was one for the ages. But it wasn’t all his idea! In shocking new court documents obtained by, Kardashian’s mother Kris Jenner admits that she was very hands-on in the planning of her daughter and West’s special day. Forget the groomzilla – here comes the monster-in-law!
Jenner made the bombshell confession in a declaration for Kardashian and West’s ongoing lawsuit against YouTube co-founder Chad Hurley, who, they claim, illegally leaked a video of the proposal.
In Jenner’s declaration to the court, she bragged, ”I played a major role in organizing and running the event.”
“As part of this,” she continued, according to court records, “I was directly involved in formulating and was familiar with the guest list.”
How romantic?
In addition to calling the proposal an “event,” Radar has learned that Kardashian and West actually sold the exclusive rights to footage from the evening — at a high price.
“The rights to broadcast of the event were sold on an exclusive basis,” Kardashian insisted in her declaration to the court. “Such rights (including future rights) are (and will be) of diminished value if others preempt the official, contractually authorized broadcast or other publication rights that Kanye West or I own with their own, earlier unauthorized publication or broadcast.”
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Radar Online
of course she did. Kanye can't conceive that.
but is kim able to conceive she is now KK&K?? Me wonders what it will take to get these fools off the air and away for good.
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