Madonna finds it hilarious that her former friend Gwyneth Paltrow is going through a divorce.
MADONNA is laughing her socks off that her former BFF, Gwyneth Paltrow, has split form husband Chris Martin. Sources say the pop superstar doesn’t feel sorry for Paltrow — because the actress wasn’t kind to her following her 2008 split from Guy Ritchie.
“Gwyneth always made out she had the perfect marriage and was the perfect wife,” a source said. “That always rubbed Madonna up the wrong way.
“But Gwyneth does have her good points, which is why she and Madonna were good friends for a while. But Gwyneth distanced herself from Madonna following her split from Guy Ritchie."Jacked from Show Biz Spy
I was laughing as well. Fuck Gwyneth.
these two women are delusional
Madonna looks like a swole witch, from all the fillers to plump up that thing she calls a face! She don't have room to talk about anybody the way she lived her life. She fuckin emasculated her damn husband. Nobody can stay with that vile woman. And gwennie came out the womb thinking her shit don't stink and she's getting her wake up call. Shouting to the rooftops how she fucked JayZ, then begging it to be removed from the interview before publishing. Well we found out you cheating bitch! Karma's getting all this wenches and Yonce is next.
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