Miley Cyrus' Bangerz tour gets raunchier from state to state.
Gyrating on a car, sucking a foam finger, twerking on a dwarf and snogging Katy Perry...
Miley Cyrus' Bangerz shows have been more raunchy than we could have ever imagined.
And the former wholesome Disney star, who is wreaking havoc across America, isn't showing ANY signs of slowing down.
In fact, the 21-year-old twerkster got raunchier than ever at her Houston show on Sunday night.
Little Miss Miley was seen spreading he legs on a car bonnet, grabbing her crotch and spanking herself as she performed to hundred of her teenage fans.
Even the token dwarfs, bootylicious dancers and giant monkeys looked shocked by her antics.
At one stage, the Wrecking Ball singer, who was scantily clad in bum-baring leotard (which was encrusted with gems in the shape of cannabis leaves), threw hundreds of dollar bills in the air and wriggled her bum as it fell over her body.
Miley then grabbed her giant gold chain cannabis leaf necklace and stuck her tongue out at it, before jumping on her car and grinding on the windscreen.
Yep, really.Jacked from The Mirror
the truly funny part is, she thinks she's an original.
@7:48am - yep, your're right. also, she has to do that stuff b/c no one would pay attention to her otherwise. if the press stopping reporting on her antics, she'd halt the raunchiness b/c it wasn't getting her the attention she's seeking.
So where are the Bill O'Reillys with their outrage when these white trash skanky ass pop stars pull these over sexualized stunts?...
10:47 brings up an extremely good point!
YESS AGREED @ 10:47!! Bill O'Reilly has a problem with Beyonce but not Miley? RACIST!
Um I'm sure Bill O'reilly brought up a generalization of young pop starlets, Beyonce was just once an example. Not to mention he has touched on vulgarity in pop music before.
My how negroes have a selective memory.
9:55 Bill had a segment specifically calling out Miley and saying how she's a bad role model for little white girls, like he did Beyoncé?... Hmm I do have selective memory because I don't remember that at all
9:55 PM No, Cracker barrel Bill O' Reilly is a racist
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