Miley Cyrus having trouble selling tickets for the Bangerz Tour.
Miley’s tour of 15-20k-capacity basketball arenas is underperforming, and critics place the blame on venue size and high ticket prices. According to insiders, Miley’s attorney Bill Sobel (she doesn’t make a move without him) and her longtime agent Jeff Frasco at CAA are responsible for the overreaching (e.g., three dates in the New York area), despite the protestations of savvy manager Larry Rudolph. That said, their grand ambitions are understandable given that TEA sales on her RCA album have passed 1.7m, putting Miley in the thick of the diva competition with BeyoncĂ©, labelmate P!nk and Rihanna, if not yet in Katy territory.
Miley’s isn’t the only tour doing disappointing numbers; Kanye West and John Mayer are underperforming as well.Jacked from Hits Daily Double
Of course it's "underperforming". This chick went from Hanna montana to Skid Row slut. Parents don't want their kids checkin' for that.
Not to mention some of these tix prices are through the roof, and people would rather pay BILLS and put food on their tables than pay to see some whiny musician regurgitate subpar lyrics to crappy beats.
Is she an idiot? Her core fanbase are little kids and teenage girls, now does she honestly think parents are actually going to pay for their children to see her masturbate, and give a fake Bill Clinton head on stage? She really didn't think this through at all and I hope she continues to flop right into oblivion. I think the public has had enough of her and her attention whoring antics.
Not surprised that the poor man's Rihanna is failing. It's all very well and good twitter, the media and whatever hyping you up, you need a dedicated fan base. As 1056 AM stated, with her antics she has alienated her core fan base, who liked that she WAS a sweet southern gal who did rock/country inspired pop. The people who are newly intrigued by her, are not necessarily intrigued enough to buy her music, let alone buy over priced concert tickets.
Good for this little arrogant bitch!!! this bitch came from a good home grew up on a farm in a nice house, and did Hannah Montanna and could have transitioned into adult hood without all the trash and slut ho antics, you gon learn today Miley Madonna did enough ho shit for every yt bitch on the planet, don't nobody want to see no more ho ass yt chicks thinking their are leading a feminist revolution in skankery!!! bitch please!! Sinead O'Connor and every body with sense tried to tell your arrogant little flat, pasty saggy behind you were on the wrong side of the tracks, but nooooooo, let Pharell and all them other clown ass niggas and wiggas tell you otherwise and gashed your head up. now you look like a fucking fool like that old ass whore Madonna on stage with your ass, talking bout won't stop, can't stop, NO Bitches Stop!!! Please Fucking stop!!! you should have stuck to your little cute songs of party in the USA. ain't sane person black or white is taking their kids to see the red light district fuckery your trying to pass off as "your art" ho shit, skankery, fuckery, shittery, and tongue coated with weeks of thrush does not a tour make!!! people are tired of shit disguised "art" being put on a public stage. maybe now she will go sit her ass down somewhere, when the majority of the populace is telling you bitch please stop!!! everybody can't be wrong!! Ho sit down!!!!
I wouldn't spend two pennies on this ho.
3:44 don killed & buried this shit with the truth!
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