Friends fear suspected drug addict Zac Efron with soon be broke.
‘High School Musical’ star Zac Efron out of cash
Zac Efron is reportedly broke according to a recentreport from a celebrity news site that claims that Efron has blown through his $18 million fortune.
The Zac Efron news story comes into play after Zac spent two stints in a rehab facility in 2013 for cocaine addiction.
Efron allegedly spent up all his money while entertaining himself and pals on numerous party excursionsincluding one that found him paying $50k in damages after he hosted a party that got out of control at the MGM Grand hotel occurring thousands in damages.
Source’s closest Efron also reveal that Zac has very expensive tastes and hobbies, and including his expensive mansion that set him back to the tune of $4 million.
Zac Efron not really who he comes across as?
Fans are finding out that Zac Efron’s squeaky clean looks and boyish charm have been a clever cover for the dark, and reckless party boy he really was.
In fact, speculation is that Zac is desperate for cash and that is behind the reason why he recently put his home on the market.
Efron has put his Hollywood Hills mansion on the market and is asking considerably lower at, $2.849 million that what he originally paid.
Zac Efron, 26, is best known as a teen heartthrob in the films “High School Musical” and “Hairspray.” His most recent film work will be in “Neighbors,” which is set to hit theaters in May.Jacked from Hollywood News Daily
Why do I think Zac and all these unfortunate mishaps regarding him physically really have to do with one of his male lovers beatin the crap outta him?..and why do I think if he isn't already he will be on his knees and/or gettin passed around to get a hit?
this twink has had his booty destroyed by rich old men. he's using drugs to ease the pain. the solution is to leave hollywood but thats addictive too.
All these child stars end up strung out due to the pedophiles in Hollyweird. Run Zac Run.....
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