Inside sources claim Bruce Jenner has been meeting with a famous sex change coach to help with his transition.
Stepping off the plane from his Thailand family getaway, Bruce Jenner arrived back as reports surfaced about his 'possible sex change'.
Star Magazine said on Wednesday that the 64-year-old has reached out to his longtime friend transgender rights advocate Renee Richards.
Bruce and the doctor - who played tennis in the US Open - have been friends for a long time and, of course, both had professional sports career so, according to Star, the reality star has reached out for advice on whether he should go through gender reassignment surgery.
According to Star a source said the former tennis pro is now acting as Bruce's 'sex change coach'.
The source said the doctor told the star the surgery was 'a serious, life-altering procedure and is not something to do unless you absolutely have no other choice'.
'She said someone should consider antidepressants first, because life could become an irreversible train-wreck if you’re not completely certain about having the surgery.'
The reality star is however, considering making the transformation into a woman enough that the source says he has picked out a female name, Bridgitte.Jacked from Daily Mail
This entire family is an abomination
was bein married to kris jenner THAT bad, bruce????
Kris is getting her stable together. I guess Rob will be the next victim.. To all the rich Black men be on the look out for a groupie name Bridgitte. She will be coming to a court or field near you.
Look what happens when you marry Kris Jenner
They fucked this man up, this is what happens when you fuck around and marrying into a coven of succubus vampire witches. his old ass body already looks like he has rigamortis and all types rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis. his body looks rigid, calcified and stiff and he wants to become an ugly rigid woman. hollyweird, fame and perverted, deviant occult rituals fucks these people up.
Get a grip Bruce, you are 64 ! You are hurting every one you love with this ridiculous plan of yours and you are going to end up a very lonely woman/man and there will be no turning back. Have you ever stopped to think why none does what you are doing especially at your age, it isn't worth hurting their families. I would have thought of you as the most Norman , well balance together person that walked the planet, now you appear to be the oddest freak who hates his family. The pain you are causing them by killing Bruce the Father, The Man , the friend is just to hard to bear. You are going to be one lonely old lady if you go through with this. You will loose all of your future grandchildren that you could have been grandpa to.
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