Another conscious uncoupling for Gwyneth Paltrow. The CEO for her lifestyle blog Goop has resigned.
Gwyneth Paltrow's CEO for her lifestyle blog Goop has resigned from his role after she announced she was moving her company's office from the UK to the US
Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop chief executive officer has quit.
Seb Bishop, a British entrepreneur, has stepped down after the 41-year-old actress announced she was moving her Goop office from London to Los Angeles, despite previously appearing to be on board with her plans.
A source told the New York Post's page six column: "Seb was ready to move his wife Heidi and their children from London, and had even been looking at properties in Los Angeles, but then he abruptly quit."
It is thought that Bishop, who joined the blog in 2011, decided to leave the company after Paltrow announced on the website last month she was "consciously uncoupling" from her husband of 10 years Chris Martin, 36.Jacked from The Standard
One can only take so much of entitled delusional twat muffin. what the fuck is wrong with his face? is that shit botox cause if not that muthafukka is looking like a reptilian/deer caught in headlights/Ryan Gaycrest 2.0 knock off none of which is cute smh. his poor wife waking up to that surprised/frightened mug everyday.
LOL @ Niyabinghi...Dude looks gayer than a damn tutu. Just leave it to her goopy ass to have this weirdo running her shit.
He looks a hot mess
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