Monday, June 16, 2014

Iggy Azalea's Father Releasing Perverted Childrens Books

Rapper Iggy Azalea's father releasing a series of vulgar children's books in Australia.

Iggy Azalea - Iggy Azalea's Dad To Release Naughty Books For Kids
Iggy Azalea's comedian father Brendan James Kelly is releasing a series of naughty 'childrens' books in his native Australia.
The new tomes, which will hist stores next week (beg16Jun14), will include titles like The Perfect Poo and The Runt Who Said C**t.
A press release about the books reads, "One of the titles contains illustrations of penises black and white, erect and flaccid while foul language and swear words occur commonly throughout Kelly's work."
Jacked from Contact Music


Anonymous said...

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So what publishing company was sick and twisted enough to even give this man publication and money for this crap?

Anonymous said...

11:57: "You speak Wachootoo?"

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