Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Jennifer Lopez Walks Out on Beyonce VMA Performance

Jennifer Lopez walks out in the middle of Beyonce's show stopping performance for the 2014 MTV Video Music Awards.

Viewers were infatuated with Beyonce’s performance at the 2014 Video Music Awards on Sunday, but there was at least one person in the audience who was notimpressed! Jennifer Lopez served the “XO” singer with the ultimate diss by leaving right in the middle of her 20-minute set!
A show attendee tells Star that the “Booty” singer was seated on the opposite side of the arena, and that when she and her entourage made their way through the crowd, lights quickly flashed to her section and followed her as she walked away.
“It was incredibly rude of her to leave in the middle of Beyonce’s performance,” the witness says. “She sat through the entire two hour show, but then decided that she couldn’t stand to wait five more minutes to finish watching the most impressive show of the night.”
Jacked from Star Magazine


Anonymous said...

...who cares. When JLo gets the same time slot and acknowledgements then I will try to give a fuck.

Anonymous said...

J-Lo was hating all night. I've been a fan for ever but she has lost a fan in me.

Anonymous said...

Benny M. and Gilgi need to realize this is not 2004....

Anonymous said...

J Ho couldn't stand to see a chick who can actually sing receive any type of praise over wack ass. J Lo's pitiful performance at the Billboard awards was laughable and afterwards NO ONE was talking it.

Anonymous said...

Everyone said when J Lo was on in living color she was a mean diva. You can tell she has been jealous of Beyoncé ever since she went solo. I remember they shot a Pepsi commercial together many years ago and they were behind the scenes and J Lo had to make it known to the camera that she had been doing commercials and action scenes long before Beyoncé... I was like bitch who cares

Anonymous said...

j Ho wish she was Beyoncé every Wayan done fucked J Ho including Fox

zeeedeee said...

Jlo bitch it wasn't yo night..and hasn't been for QUITE some time..she thought she could pull some attention with that cut out dress on throwing her arms up and arching her back when she presented but it didn't work..and what's with Benny's stank face?..HATERS!!

Anonymous said...

Niyabinghi/ObeahWomanWarrior said...

Do you practice witch craft because you know a lot of the topic. All celebrity practice witch craft mostly but there are some of us that are not tapped and cast in the spell. So let me ask you does awareness help you to not have spells casted on you? From what I hear and know mostly everyone in high positions that are in the entertainment industry or that are on TV including politicians have casted spells on many. Voting is really pointless and just a scapegoat for trade and process to exist.

Anonymous said...

7:11 and I am also above 2:33

Ok I just look up a talisman which in all of the images and pictures show what I would consider an evil signs on them like the goathead, the eye of horus and a pentagram. How do these symbol protect you when most evil is done through these symbols? Plus from what I read a talisman is necklace that has an actual spell cast on it to so called protect you which would also have to be casted by a witch correct? So an Amulet which from what I read is more natural like the stones that you recommended correct?

Anonymous said...

J Ho is not sexy that is why her main boyfriend is fucking men and her at the same time

signwithclass said...

Fuck both those hoes. Two sides of the same thirsty coin.

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