Sunday, December 14, 2014

Bette Midler Calls In Sick on Ariana Grande

Bette Milder calls in sick after agreeing to present an award to Ariana Grande.

Ariana Grande was honored at the Billboard Women in Music event Friday, but Bette Midler, who was supposed to present her the award, called in “sick” to the show.
Producers had hoped to milk the fight between Midler and Grande for publicity, but instead Grande’s brother Frankie handed her the Rising Star award.
“It was supposed to be a fun/funny/makeup session,” an insider tells Confidenti@l. “But Bette got sick at the last minute and couldn’t show. Both of them were on board to do it. They were going to have fun with it and be supportive of each other.”
Last month, Midler did an interview with The Telegraph, in which she dissed Grande, saying: "It's always surprising to see someone like Ariana Grande with that silly high voice, a very wholesome voice, slithering around on a couch...looking so ridiculous. I mean it's silly beyond belief and I don't know who's telling her to do it."
Midler took it even further, adding “trust your talent. You don't have to make a whore out of yourself to get ahead."
Jacked from Daily News Confidential  


Anonymous said...

So Billboard tried to be messy and Ms. Bette shaded the FUCK out of them.

Serves them right.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but why is Ariana being honored for anything when her career just started like 5 minutes ago?... If anything she should be handing out awards not recieving them

WTF???!!!!! said...

Why is she getting such a come up?? She must have been passed around to every pedo in the industry.

Its Miss Cunt to you hoes said...

Mrs Midler is a true entertainer in every sense of the word, a triple threat entertainer, I don't blame her for calling in sick, why would she present an award to this little no talent hack, fuck that!! I'm so tired of this industry making the real entertainers and real celebrity having to bow to these hacks, like Aretha Franklin singing happy birthday to that little rat faced, no talent wiccan FOH. now Bette presenting awards to this stunted minny mouse looking creature, someone said on this blog the other day

They wondered if she was taking hormones to stunt her growth and something is really amiss with these Disney and Nic bots, those double panty hose hiding her real age, and if you look past the 10 layers of war paint this bitch is wearing with her big ass feet, I swear this bitch is 30. there is something weird with this one and I wish they would stop trying to make this minimally talented hoes happen. the real stars of yesteryear and that era of real talent is gone, talent is in short supply and all these wanna be's they keep trying to pass the torch to do not have the talent to garner the public's interest. the age of celebrity is finished.

Anonymous said...

This brat's career will be over as soon as the "12-year-old dressed like a hooker" look no longer works for her. Just ask Hayden Panettiere.

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