Nobody hates Iggy Azaela because she's a white rapper. People hate Iggy Azalea because she can't rap. Raw video surfaces of Iggy Azaela struggling to rap without digital help on Sway in the Morning on Shade 45.
"See, THIS is why people don't like Igloo Australia. Not because she is white, but because her act is inauthentic. White people can and do succeed in hip hop/rap/R&B/soul/ect. We love Eminem, Adele, Jessie J, Justin Timberlake...hell, we even loved Lady Sovereign. Iggy, however, is a talentless hack."Jacked from Youtube
I've heard worse.
Been said. That why her own skin folks even drag that ass, but Clifford refuses to see this mutant kangaroo for what it is.
Sway was parched smh
She didn't even freestyle. She was rapping a song she hadn't released at that point... "new bitch" HACK...
Hood as-s beat, yes the beat is the problem, not you ��
I don't dislike her because she's white, I dislike her because all of the praise she gets for being white! When Forbes named her the new queen of rap based off of ONE frickin' single it was blatant as hell they were only praising her because she was a WHITE girl who was making a name for herself in the rap world. For her to be nominated for all these awards like "best hip hop" and "best rapper"... It's all too obvious that it's only because she's white! Any one who has listened to just one of her songs could tell you that she's not the "best" anything! She's garbage and her nursery rhymes are below average. And people may say there are a lot of black rappers who suck but the only difference is they aren't winning awards and getting praise they don't deserve like igloo is so that's why she gets all the hate. Her white privilege is what got her to where she is.
Why is TI all up this girl's ass?? The powers that be must be giving TI and others a shitload of money to put a white face on black music... Aint nothing new about this really...
Why does TI always have to jump in and play captain save a ho whenever somebody throws shade at iggy. He needs to calm the f*** down, and let her speak up and earn her own cred.
Rap music was created by black people, but it is owned by whites. Now the wealthy white people who own rap music are trying to kick black people out of rap music. This also applies to r&b. Iggy Azalea is one of many examples of this.
Been said. That why her own skin folks even drag that ass, but Clifford refuses to see this mutant kangaroo for what it is.
December 30, 2014 at 1:40 PM
Clifford knows EXACTLY what it is with Icky ISmellYa. The problem is she is his investment and needs to make as much money off of her as possible before her 15 minutes expires for real.
Usher did this 5 years ago with a cute white boy from Canada and we see how that turned out.
Black men like Usher and TI are helping the racist, white owned music industry dilute and destroy the very music that we created. They promote these talentless white artists and they get the heavy promotion over a talented black artist. How much money have those two black men gave back to the black community? I can answer that question for you, NONE!
Who the fuck is Clifford?
That's TI real name! LOL Jeez!
That, and she looks like the dude on Powder wearing an old wig.
jacking blogs occasionally...
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