Insiders claim Kim Kardashian went ballistic after watching the behind-the-scenes footage from Kanye and Rihanna's latest video shoot.
Someone fire the jealousy klaxon as Kim Kardashian has been gripped by a green-eyed monster when it comes to Rihanna.
TheFIX has learnt that 33-year-old Kim isn't happy after watching behind-the-scenes pictures of husband Kanye West and Rihanna's latest music video.
"Rihanna’s got a perfect body," says the family insider. "She is a guy’s girl, doesn’t get too emotional, and likes to have no-strings-attached fun.
"When Kim saw the behind-the-scenes photos of their video shoot, she got crazy jealous.
"She started to blow up Kanye’s phone and said she wanted to drop by and see him immediately. She pouted when he got home and started to argue with him about coming home too late."Jacked from The Fix
Well what do we expect. Kim is the queen of Sleeping with your Man, but RiRi is the High Priestess of 0 fucks given.
This story seems planted, smells fishy
The lies theyear tell. Anyway, she should be jealous that till Rihanna is everything she's not. Naturally beautiful no surgical trickery, a real fashion icon, an entertainer and can keep a man's attention without sloring foe attention and rich from her hard work.....hmmmm did I leave anything out?
and can keep a man's attention without sloring foe attention and rich from her hard work.....
You're joking right?
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