Thursday, February 26, 2015

Lindsay Lohan Ordered to Re-Do Community Service

Lindsay Lohan ordered to re-do community service after judge rejects her submitted hours.

Lindsay Lohan got slapped with another 125 hours of community service on Wednesday, after the judge in the actress’ probation case decided not to count more than half of the time Lohan already completed. Many of the hours Lohan served were deemed unacceptable after prosecutors raised questions about the nature of the community service. For instance, Lohan initially got credit for the time she spent on stage in London performing “Speed-the-Plow” and meet-and-greet sessions with fans at the shows.
In addition to the prosecution’s issues with the “Speed-the-Plow”-related community service, concerns were also raised over Lohan’s time throwing a fundraiser for CSV, a London-based community service organization. According to TMZ, prosecutor Terry White was upset, believing Lohan should only get credit for work she actually does for the community, not for the company.
Now, Lohan has 125 more hours to complete. Those hours will certainly be held up to more scrutiny than the community service Lohan has performed to this point. The probation all stems from a plea deal she made after slamming a Porsche into the back of an 18-wheeler in 2012. Lohan herself has yet to comment on the latest legal development.
Jacked from Gossip Cop

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