Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Angelina Jolie Has Elective Surgery to Remove Ovaries

Actress Angelina Jolie has elective surgery to remove her ovaries and Fallopian tubes prevent a possible cancer diagnosis.

Actress Angelina Jolie has undergone surgery to remove her ovaries and Fallopian tubes after doctors detected possible signs of cancer earlier this month.
Jolie, 39, described the surgery in an opinion piece published in Tuesday's New York Times. She wrote an account of her preventative double mastectomy for the same publication two years ago.
Jolie writes that she had been planning to have her latest surgery for several months. Two weeks ago, she got a call from her doctor, who told her that blood tests had revealed "a number of inflammatory markers that are elevated, and taken together they could be a sign of early cancer."
An examination by Jolie's surgeon found nothing concerning, but the actress says she still had the option of undergoing the procedure and chose to do so. After the surgery, she learned that she had a small benign tumor on one ovary, but no signs of cancer.
Jolie underwent the double mastectomy two years ago after a blood test revealed that she carried a gene mutation that gave her an 87 percent chance of developing breast cancer and a 50 percent risk of ovarian cancer. At the time, Jolie revealed that she had lost her mother, grandmother, and aunt to the disease.
Jacked from Fox News  


WTF???!!!!! said...

The rumors must be right about her being sick. How many body parts and organs is she gonna remove? If this latest news is true, she's gonna go into early menopause and who knows what else. Just creating more problems for herself. She needs to get right with her maker, b/c all that money she's got isn't helping her. Angie lived a pretty reckless life and it did her no favors. I hope she'll be ok, b/c she has all those kids.

Anonymous said...

so now she has to resort to removing body parts to get press? what's next? announcing that shiloh is getting a sex change?

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