Monday, July 20, 2015

Kim Kardashian Hires Personal Trainer for North West

Kim Kardashian hires a personal trainer for daughter North West to keep the toddler's weight in check.

Kim Kardashian is so determined to groom her little girl, North West, into a mini-me that she’s hired the two-year-old her very own personal trainer!
“She has one of her guys work out with North at the end of her session, once or twice a week,” an insider tells, noting Kardashian, 34, has several fitness gurus on her payroll now that she’s pregnant.
“They teach her fun stuff like stretches and other basic aerobics, nothing strenuous.”
Kardashian feels it’s important her daughter become accustomed to a gym routine early in life, explains the insider!
“She wants her to be a perfect physical specimen, and she thinks it’s perfectly normal to want to get North in shape at such an early age.”
Jacked from Radar Online


Anonymous said...

What's next? A surgical consult? Get it together, Kim.

Anonymous said...

She can't just feed her daughter fruits, vegetables and let her run around the yard for an hour?

Anonymous said...

For a toddler? Seriously? How vain can you get? Well, I guess that is better than having the BABY get her mom does on the regular

Sunno said...

My baby has a gym membership. Its works well for homeschooled kids they get activity and meet new friends. Beside if you want to be healthy you have to live a healthy lifestyle.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the baby needs a personal trainer. She's 2. Toddlers are extremely active and she has cousins with whom she can run around and be active with.

Anonymous said...

Kim looks like North you are going to be my puppet and North looks like she is saying someone please help me anyone take me away from this environment.

Anonymous said...

Poor kid ..A fame whore for a mom,and an idiot wanna be cool past his use by date rapper........

ThatBKChick said...

WTF....I can see if they were teachingh French or a language but GTFOH with that superficial bullshit. It just goes to show no matter how much money you have, ignorance is bliss!

Anonymous said...

poor nori. poor, poor nori. she got a closeted gay man/raging narcissist for a dad, a black sperm bank/amateur porn star for a mom, a pimp for a grandma, a homicidal cross-dresser for a grandpa/ma/WTFE and incestuous whores for aunts. that kid is gonna be SO FUCKED UP and on meds or in the crazy house before she turns 18. *smh*

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