Thursday, July 15, 2010

Crash and Burn

Pink's circus act went horribly wrong in Germany when her harness broke and she went flying into the crowd.


Anonymous said...

hope she's okay.

Anonymous said...

WOW! She got back up please be careful...the shows are beautiful.....almost circus~like

Anonymous said...

Beyonce did it

Anonymous said...

Looks like they girls were struggling to get her attached to the lines. And whomever works the lines started them on time when they should have waited. When she put her arms up and crossed them at :44 she was trying to tell them to stop or wait.

Anonymous said...

I bet Christina Aguilera was behind it. Bitch...

Anonymous said...

Bwahahahahahaha! That's what she gets for throwing shade at people all the time. It's called Karma bitch!

Anonymous said...

FINALLY. Ho sit down. You can't distract us from that sh!t singing w/circus acts. And how long is the tour?? Shesh

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