Saturday, July 24, 2010

Lady Gaga Monster’s Ball Interlude


shitorsugarreanimated said...

i feel like vomiting on her too.

Anonymous said...

nasty and disturbing, nothing more to say.

Anonymous said...

*rolls eyes* ... well at least the worlds endin soon

Anonymous said...

@ 10:59,WTF are you talking about? This damn video is disturbing enough, and you are talking about the world ending, what a dick!! As long as people continue to pay attention to Gaga, she will still continue to make bullshit like the video above.

Anonymous said...

LOL @ 10:31, shut the hell up hahaha .. you sound lyk your crying .... it states below "post a comment" so i did! i say, think and VOICE whateva the hell i want to ... and i appreciate your comment infact i agree with the majority of it .. except the "what a dick" part quite distasteful, however thats fine, you have your opinion, no matter how ignorant it may be .. xxx

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