Oh noes! Lindsay Lohan has been sentenced to 90 days in jail for violating her parole in her 2007 DUI arrest. LiLo must surrender on July 20th at 8:30a.m. and serve three consecutive 30-day sentences. Two days after the SCRAM-bracelt star is released from jail, she must enter a 90-day treatment facility, presumably for drug/alcohol addiction.
You know, Judge Marsha Revel is really doing young Lindsay a favor. Unfortunately, one of her parents will go on TV blabbering about this in five ... four ... three ... two ...
Jacked from The Friskey
Call the Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamabulance! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I do feel sorry for this child because from what I seen she is really only a product of what her parents have made her. They have been living off her of talent and celebrity for years. Both of her parents seem greedy and selfish as hell and now they are trying to do the same to her little sister as well. Lindsay was doing very good at first in her career and did not seem like the groupie drug addict type and I am sure that her parents put very little time in protecting her and teaching her how to protect herself as long as they were getting there % first. It just a very sad story.
Being famous really does come a a very high price and when you are down no one cares and when you are up everyone wants something from you. There are no normal times and there are no healthy moments everyone just lives off of each others energy and fame.
^yup. besides, maybe jail will help her reevaluate her life and hopefully she won't sneak any drugs in. i feel kinda sorry for her. she uses sex and drugs to compensate for the emotional pain
It's not like shes going to do the entire 90 days, maybe a week or two. A month at the most. Then she has all that free time before half-assing rehab.
BULLSHIT. Anyone else would've been in jail. The court doesn't give a shit about "your career" or job. If you are ordered to do something, you do it, not go to "work with kids in morroco". That's not work dummy.
I bet she won't pay her lawyer.
"I do feel sorry for this child because from what I seen she is really only a product of what her parents have made her. They have been living off her of talent and celebrity for years."
I kinda feel sorry for her (and others in similar positions who aren't stars) too. Many like Lindsay do come from extremely troubled homes & have to fend for themselves.
On the other hand though, Lindsay needed to be taken off of the streets, if even for just 30 days. This stint in jail *might* change her life for the best. It may save Lohan's life and/or someone else's - who won't be killed by her as a result of her being drunk behind the wheel.
I would give her 30 more days for that F U.
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