Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Movie Stars in Training

Jaden and Willow have their own entourage.
As the Will Smith family travels from one country to another for the premiers of The Karate Kid, it’s apparent that Willow is still determined to out-dress and steal the thunder from her brother Jaden, who stars in the movie. Above, the Smiths got a warm welcome in Madrid. A European reporter informed us that Willow and Jaden not only have stylists, but they have their own hair and makeup people with them at every premier. Jaden and Willow have these people fussing over them, blotting perspiration, spraying hair, etc. between photos to keep them looking perfect.

Jacked from Janet Charlton


Anonymous said...

Willow should play in the next fairy movie because she looks like an elf, big ears and all.

Anonymous said...

LMAO @11:09
I so concur! They need to sit their asses down and be KIDS first! Damn don't Will & Jada have enough money! After they laid the casting couch out to get their careers started why would they want subject their kids to that shit? Someone call CPS!!!

Anonymous said...

They know the deal with Hollywood, so why subject your kids to that crap??? In 10 years Willow be a lesbo and Jaden will be gay.sorry I had to say it.

Anonymous said...

these kids are so obnosious. so arrogant. I cannot stand them. Like most people. I know they are kids, but their parents did this to them. gay like their dad and strung out on pills in 5 years...

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the 'Token' episode on South Park.

They showed the Smiths as these Buppie types and their kids clowned Token (the Black kid) for wanting to play stickball instead of some equestrian game with them

Anonymous said...

Jaden and Willow annoys the fuck out of me! Willow looks like a character from a Dr. Seuss book(sorry about joking her little ass) It's sad how fast these celebrity kids grow up: a kid should remain a kid as long as possible. They need a class in "remaining humble 101"

Anonymous said...

It's sad how a bunch of adults sit back and make hurtful and judgemental comments about a CHILD. I wonder what your response would be if your child decided they wanted to persue a career in acting or singing and got the same responses that you give to these kids.

There is a huge difference between a child and adult. Its always good to give a child constructive criticism for them to learn and grow. I would imagine that this hate comes from a place of jealousy. Maybe you wish it were you.

Anonymous said...

@2:23 just as you assume adults are commenting I will assume you're an ass. This is a gossip site. Get a clue.

Anonymous said...

Really 2:23, jealous of annoying children?! if your children were that obnoxious, I would call them assholes too! Get over yourself! I would not stand in the way of my children dreams and aspirations to become actors; however, I would remind them where they came from, and use Jaden and Willow's arrogant asses as an example of what not to be...do you have anything else to say, thanks?!(O:

JeminiBish said...


Anonymous said...

jayden acts so cocky i can't stand him....why can't he just be humble and enjoy the ride.....not act like and ass.....he needs to be knocked off his pedastool.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but will (if they are not now) grow up to be arrogant little arseholes. Much like their parents. So I guess it's not really their fault. I will also say they have the potential to completely wild out when they become of age, because they are too busy being adults when they are only children, and their parents have waaaaaaayyyy to much money for them to even count.

Anonymous said...

i think it's wise to have your kids take on the family business. with will as their dad there is no 'normal' childhood. they might as well profit from the exposure. will & jada are smart. hate on them if u will, but they are building a dynasty and wealth that goes beyond this or next generation. KUDOS!

Anonymous said...

We shouldn't be giving the Smith's "KUDOS" for subjecting their kids to an adult world where only a small percentage of kid stars acutally go on an have "normal" lives outside of drugs and bankruptcy. They are arrogant! Simply watch any interview with them about this movie. In one, I saw Will tell his son to brave thru the pain of a little injury because "we are not like everyone else, we are better and stronger"! It's one thing to instill confidence and fearlessness, but to instill arrogance and a false sense of entitlement is in itself harmful. (No one, money or not is "entitled" to anything! We all must earn everything in this life!) They need to get a clue! We'll soon see his son do the walk of shame to the jail cell in 5, 4, 3, 2....

Anonymous said...

They are the creepiest black family in hollywood, sorry but they are. And the kids are just annoying as f!ck and so unlikeable. Arrogance is never a sweet quality, especially when you're a child. This family is fake as a $3 bill and a TOTAL TURN OFF!! There was a time when I actually liked jada and will...but that was BEFORE they got together. Now they just give me gas! NEXT!

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness you people are animals on here talkin' about kids like that-dam, aint nothin' wrong with Will and Jada wantin' helpin' their kids to live their dreams-fuck ya, yall stoooooooopid, they are just kids, lucky kids, that's all, stop hatin'

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