Thursday, July 15, 2010


Tameka 'Tiny' Cottle's girl group OMG Girlz suck so bad.


Anonymous said...

bless they po strugglin hearts.

TRUTH. said...

i love how they've introduced themselves singin watchuuu lookin at we got HATERS haters HATERs hatersss...& YES kids u got haters cause u actually SUCKKKKK it aint hating if ur ass can't sing especially when its FACT. U guys suck ass & trust if u had talent i would say so. Consider this a favor ur rents are blinded & deafened by love...

this is the problem with black folk always tryin to put their kids in some jiggaboo profession. TEACH UR KIDS HOW TO READ A BOOK, GO TO SCHOOL, IT IS ALSO POSSIBLE FOR BLACK CHILDREN TO BE LITERATE INTELLECTUALS WHO ATTEND ELITE POST GRADUATE PROGRAMS. Too many damn kids have their eye on the shiny ball but dont wanna work hard accomplish something through intelligence discipline and hard work. Moral of the story - Kids go read a a scientist, doctor, lawyer, teacher, graphic designer...whatever u want u dont need to be a singer or star athlete to make it.

Anonymous said...

un, a minute and 10 seconds was all I could stand. They was doing the whop all fuc#ed up and claiming haters...un un and no

I'm glad Lil Wayne pulled his daughter from this tomfoolery, that's one action he can take pride in

Tiny need to stop drinking, smoking and floating on the T.I cloud and realize this mistake can only get as worse as her lip injections

Anonymous said...

somebody please take those future tricks off the stage and give them some school work and a bible. What a waste of money and time. who hates on 10 year old girls.

Anonymous said...

Ok..I'm going to say something positive first.

I like the fact that they're completely covered. The dancing is good and maybe a bit too adult but you don't see any skin which sadly is surprising these days.

Now to the bad. If these girls can't sing why are they a group? Is this supposed to be JJFad 2010? No wonder Wayne pulled his daughter out of this monstrasity.

Anonymous said...

^^ by dancing good I mean ok. By no means am I trying to say they're great dancers.

Anonymous said...

LOL @ all the comments! I completely co-sign 1000% with all you guys!!! Them hookers-in-training need to put down the mic and pick up a book (with words and no pictures). I'm sick of hood fuckery and really pissed that they are forcing it on the children!

Anonymous said...

This looks like something Tiny and Toya would do.

Anonymous said...

I am really starting to hate the word haterz as if you can not just like you for real reason. So many people love to throw this word up in the area as if every situation revolves around people hating on you sometime your product is just chit. We are really in a brained washed nation when the consumer is guilty of hating but when they still need you for sales and the consumption of there product. Is tiny there manager and son writer because she can’t even speak well, all of this today music is just dumbing us down I mean when I listen to Niki Minaj this bish vocabulary is crazy stupid and her sentences never makes sense to me. Oh and don't let me get started on Lil Wayne I am not ready for this nicca post jail music.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you see that little one in the read Beyonce in the making they already grooming her for when they hit the big time..its gonna be buh bye for the rest of them

Anonymous said...

Aww, they suck a$$! Please stop these children from further embarrassment...

Choco said...

Damn that was awful y would Tiny do that to them girls!

Anonymous said...

That shit was good and terrible! All I could stand was a few seconds of that crap and what's with these little girls talkn' bout haterz?! My cat can dance better than that.

DAMN! that was awful!

2 thumbs down and a big round house kick off the stage.

malika said...

i'll give it to them and say that the dancing at least seemed together. but i gotta be honest, vocally they're lacking big time. i'd rather see a group stand in one place that could SANG than a group that looks cute dancing around that can't hold a note.

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous July 16, 2010 7:26 AM...

How are you going to criticize someone on speaking well..."their" not "there"... These are kids... why get on a blog and stomp them down...they could be doing what most kids are doing... smoking, killing OR...not a d**m thing!!!

Anonymous said...


First of all I said that Tiny does not speak well so please more carefully before you comment.
Second of all I was not talking about the children and most blogs are know for way more negative comments then they are known for positive ones so are you in the wrong atmosphere?

Anonymous said...

They are just as bad as Tiny was.

Anonymous said...

Lawd have mercy...I actually watched the whole thing...Poor lil Red Jacket girl after about 2 minutes her lil skirt fell under her belly !!!!!


Waset - writer.truthseeker.part-time security guard said...


Anonymous said...

@7:39 - "when they hit the big time" - Uhhh... I don't think thats gonna happen LOL

Anonymous said...

This performance was about 3 minutes and 55 seconds too long.

Anonymous said...

We as black people really need to stop putting our kids in situations where they are acting 25 when they are only 10 yrs old. These girls need to be portraying what they are...LITTLE GIRLS!!! what about school, self respect, class, ect???? how did we forget about that? I wouldnt let my girls listen to this mess and I hope no one else does for the sake of their home and child.

Anonymous said...

this performance SCREAMS 6th grade talent show or bootleg hair show @ the local Knights of Columbus hall.


Anonymous said...

@5:48 it's not just us black folks, the whites do it too. They had Britney spears at the age of 16 in a naughty school girl outfit singing "hit me baby one more time". They got underaged Miley Cyrus half naked in videos talking about she can't be tamed. So don't act like it's just us blacks.

OMG that was TERRIBLE said...

poor kids. That was just awful

Anonymous said...

epic. fail.

Anonymous said...

Bless they heart they are just kids give them a break they are still in training!!Don't cut them down to their knees!!Yall are tooooo harsh!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If you have a horrible lil kid act they become dumb ass adult acts. Nip this shit in the bud. If you agree with letting this crap go on TV you must have a no talent ass child also.



Anonymous said...

parents, PLEASE encourage academics instead of putting a mic in their hands. That was not a good look Tiny.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree 100% with everyone that says these girls need to put down a mic and grab some books, because they are something terrible! I don't even hear potential of growth in the vocals, so I'm guessing their thinking they can get by because their cute?! Tiny is bored and needs something to do, but this aint it; now a XSCAPE reunion album/tour is more like it. She sang her ass off in that group, especially on "Am I Dreamin", and "Tonight".

Anonymous said...

Everyone said it all :-) This was talent show level... Yes they are little girls but they can go back to their homework on 3...2...

Anonymous said...

OMG=>ULTIMATE FAIL! Somebody needs to borrow Matthew Knowles book....he had those girls running in heels, running those girls like they were in boot camp. All these years Tiny sat her Miss Piggy looking ass down and never thought about putting serious effort into properly producing a girl group with thought, years of consideration and effort. She lucked out in being apart of Xscape...she cannot re-create a lucky situation that she happened to fall into again. Try getting your children to excell in school, being interested in science, law or medicine. I wholeheartedly agree that black celeb-u-tards should let their children find thier own calling, by supporting them to finishing their education and making something of themselves. I admire Denzel Washington, Master P and others who make their children to go college and find something other than the entertainment industry. College is no option in my's college or die!!!.--ThatBKChick

Anonymous said...

This should be a new commercial for United Negro College Fund...A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste...or OMG...Your childs can end up like this, tatted up and all run down in 10 more years!!!

Anonymous said...

Whats wrong with ya'll? These are kids, did you forget that. Yeah when i was their age i had a brush, sung Destiny's Childs bills and wanted to be in a singing group. Shit me and my sister had choreography to Escape's "Who Can I run to" and performed at all the cookouts and don't forget about TLC's "RedLightSpecial". You did too so don't act like theres something wrong with these kids cause they can actually live their dreams right now. Yous are stupid and need look at the big picture here for these little girls dumbasses!

At least their not popping low on the ground at the local house party, like some of yall forgot yall use to do. Someone commented and said that they need to read a book and earn something with hard work. How you know their parents dont make them read? Have them doing their homework, have them taking dance classes?

You don't? And they will achieve whatever they want at the pace their going, because their doing something positive. Their kids, not whitney, not celine, not someone that we expect to do some spectacular performance. Their not even selling your old asses their music. Their selling their music to their elementary and friends around the corner. So yes this is what they have to offer. So why talk down on them. They probably going to run to the computer to read comments about their cool performance that was on tv with smiles on their faces and see this shit. How u think thats going to makes them feel? What if this was ur kids? Oh, you havent took time out of your selfish lives to even do something like this for ur kids. I find it hard to believe the comments all posted about these kids! This is giving these young girls confidence and self respect to be grown and independent without marrying with a man that throws them money for having a child.

Get a life and stop hating like the song says on them and support little black girls doing the damn thing.They look better than that group of little white girls doing Beyonce in lingerie... Right? Congrats to Tiny for at least putting these girl out there as little girls singing a little girl tune with little girl clothes on. Their not singing that some nigga need to put a ring on it gyrating around on the 5oclock news.


Anonymous said...

^Nothing for you to take personal. It is a gossip site and these opinions were posted here without needing your approval. Why do they have to be 'losers' for having an opinion opposite of yours? Those girls in the lingerie were clowned as well. Seems to me you should take your own advice and get a life. Not that serious.

Anonymous said...

Harpo, who these people!

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