Thursday, July 22, 2010

Randy Travis Headed for Divorce

Country singer caught with his dentist's wife.
Country legend RANDY TRAVIS' 18-year marriage is headed for divorce court - after his wife told pals she caught him cheating with his dentist's wife, The ENQUIRER has learned exclusively.

Travis' wife believes that the 51-year-old singer - who recently won his sixth Grammy for his "I Told You So" duet with Carrie Underwood - has been meeting Mary Beougher, a mother of two who's also 51, for steamy sex trysts, sources say.

Randy's much-older wife and longtime manager, 69-year-old Libby Hatcher, told pals she was devastated when she planted a spy camera on his tour bus that got video of him cheating with Mary.

"The whole thing sounds like a bad country song," a close family friend told The ENQUIRER.

"Randy owes his entire career to Lib. She's heartbroken."

Libby became suspicious after Randy began flirting with Mary at her husband Dr. Ritchie Beougher's ritzy Willow Bend Dental office in Plano, Texas, said the source.

"Ritchie was cleaning Libby's teeth," said the source. "Randy and Mary took a walk outside."

Libby told pals that a short time later, an affair began when Mary flew to Oklahoma and hooked up with Randy on his tour bus in March, said the source.

Libby told the pals that she believes the two secretly met up again in April in Santa Fe, N.M., where Randy and Lib have a home.

The source says they also got busy at his Nashville, Tenn., condo in May.

"Lib planted a secret camera on Randy's tour bus and caught him and Mary red-handed," the source said.

"It's awful. Lib's the one who made Randy famous. Now he's throwing her away."

Jacked from The Enquirer


Anonymous said...

what's up with his wife's barbie hair??? it looks like synthetic doll hair.

Anonymous said...

It is all so sad - I have always held Randy up to a better standard than this. He was-to me- the ultimate in truth and honesty and I felt it came through in his songs. If there is any truth to this accusation it will be devastating to so many - I cannot imagine how Libby is coping with this betrayal. My heart goes out to her - and what the heck - all you can say is "What's up with her hair"!!!

Anonymous said...

I always figured he was gay since he was never married and ended up marrying his older manager. I always heard he liked guys anyway.

Anonymous said...

Randy is a sexy hunk. If he wants to, he should come and play with me. I would be delighted to show him some of my games. I would love to play with him all night. In fact, i don't think i would want to get out of bed with him. Yep! I would love to play slap and tiggle. Come on Randy, don't be shy!

Anonymous said...

Mary you ought to asame of yourself

Anonymous said...

Mary just think what you have done to your your children and your wonderful husband!!!

Anonymous said...

People who know Elizabeth know her to be pushy and back-biting. If she were a guy, she would screw you with sandpaper on her dick. She has been demeaning Randy in public for years and treats him like a kid. Good for Randy for finally finding a slice of happiness elsewhere!

Anonymous said...

Mary you are a terrible person for what you have done to your family! Not to mention the fact that you are nothing but a groupie slut!You were always one to stick your nose up to people as though you were perfect and never made mistakes. What comes around goes around!

Anonymous said...

I have always felt that Randy married Lib out of obligation to her for his career. I think Lib has been riding on his coat tail for years. Although Randy may have gone at it in the wrong way, I think he should make that break who knows where he can go from here. Randy is a very sexy man an have had a crush on him every since Forever and Ever, AMEN;)

Anonymous said...

I don't feel sorry for Lib at all, she is a controlling snob. Besides she had an affair with Randy when she was married, so what goes around comes around.

I still think the sun sets and moon rises with Randy Travis, he can do no wrong in my eyes. I am envious of Mary, if I had the chance I would be in her place any day. Love Ya Randy;)

Anonymous said...

I'm from Charlotte, NC and have kept up with Randy since he won the talent contest at Country City Country Club (half owned by Lib). He was in some sort of trouble with the law in Marshville and Lib went to court and got him put in her custody. He was a mere lad and she was old enough to be his mother. What choice did he have? Take advantage of this opportunity or stay under his controlling Dad's thumb. Any kid would've chosen the "cotton candy". Lib's husband gave her an untimatum. "Him or me?" She chose Randy. I'm surprised he stayed as long as he did. But he needs to find an unattached woman, not a married one. He's a man now and should know better. I still love him though!

Anonymous said...

I worked at the office. Mary is a great person and I am glad she found someone to love. Randy is much better man than what Mary had to begin with.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for Lib, but she is about 15 years older. She must have known she couldn't hold onto him forever.

She needs to move on, and let him sew his oats in his old age.

Anonymous said...

Libby is old hag and control freak, mary is beautiful person inside and out and i know her well. i live in Plano Texas and know them well.
who wants to be married to libby 69 year old women married to a 51 year old man, libby didnt make Randy Travis who he is his voice did !!!

A Cheater is A Cheater is A Cheater said...

A good singing voice comes a dime a dozen. Libby didn't give him his voice but it was her managing without ripping him off that made him a star!

and since you know so much, are Randy and Mary still lovers? did Mary's husband dump her?

Don't just sit there fussing!

Spill some dang hot tea! lol

Anonymous said...

I think Libby should have divorce Randy long time ago and would set him free... we live once and we should do what we like to do... I am sure Randy has been a faithful husband for many many years, but , because of age difference, Libby should have let him go... now, by embarres him to pulic, if she really love Randy, it was not nice to do... what Randy did and Libby found out about it, should have give a message to Libby that ; it is time to let is too short, let Randy enjoy and do what he really like to do; not what he made himself obligated to do when he was a very young guy... as we grow, our needs and desire changes... if someone love someone, would let that person do he like to do; either with or with her... this is what I really believe in.

Anonymous said...

Mary has been divorced since July so it is my guess that her marriage was on the rocks before the affair with Randy. As for Randy's marriage I have always believed that it was something that Lib forced him into. It has always been my belief that she wanted Randy to marry her so that they would look like the perfect couple when Randy sang in a church. You can't just sing about being good you have to play the part as well. Also I am certain she wanted people to know that he belonged only to her.

Anonymous said...

I worked at the dental office and I as well as the rest of the staff could see that Mary was unhappy. I am surprised she stayed married to her husband for as long as she did. I just think no one has the right to judge Randy or Mary. They were both in miserable relationships and if they can find happiness together more power to them.

Anonymous said...

for once people aren't just slapping. Good luck Randy Travis, I'll still buy your music and dance to it.

Anonymous said...

I think this whole thing with lib and randy is made up. Lib is very manipulative. I've been studying this, and neither of them will go anywhere, you watch. Randy took his ring off, there were never any pictures, were they really married? We went to a show, and there's no tension. Something isn't adding up. This is all for attension of some sort. Right away they had Randy begging for her forgiveness. They are faking this! They will stoop to anything for attension. Randy is not going anywhere.Never was.

Anonymous said...

Lib has worked hard for Randy and I think in his own way he does love her. Just not as his wife anymore. That can happen to anyone.

Anonymous said...

Mixing Business with pleasure....She tried to own him. Set him free and give him a chance to live.Nothing personal.But really!

Anonymous said...

I wish them both a life of love and happiness.

Anonymous said...

It shouldn't make a difference but he's gay, I met his much younger, very cute boyfriend about 10 yrs ago.

Anonymous said...

He was 17 and she was 33 and married when they met! Wow and they called me a cradle robber foe being 8 years older than my ex lol.

Anonymous said...

What is a promise? What is a marriage? Why don't the vows say "til it gets too hard, or til I find someone better"? I loved Randy Travis, but when he made those vows he knew what he was doing. He had been with Libby long enough to know that this was who he wanted to marry. Now that she's a senior citizen he wants to cast her aside. Shame on you Randy! You have an obligation to care for your wife til the day you or she dies. Just like you sing about. He says that the hair will turn gray and he doesn't care. C'mon Randy, what is a promise??? What is Forever and Ever???

Anonymous said...

Randy Travis is as gay as a Christmas tree. His "wife," was just a beard.

Anonymous said...

Randy Boy Travis is one odd duck in the quack ! I know the boy and he is as backards as a dumb country boy can git. Strange is the word for him !

Anonymous said...

Randy still liked to wet his weinner but Libby's juice box dried up.

Anonymous said...

Randy has preferred sex with men forever and ever, Amen. When a story about his gay lover was on the verge of going public is when he and Lib got married in a silly effort to cover up the truth - the truth would have ended his career and all that money that Lib loves sooooo very much over anything else. I'm sure he does have gratitude for a mommy figure or fairy godmother or something. On one hand he had someone very capable to manage his money and career, and to cook, clean, and mother him. On the other hand he could sleep with all the hot young guys he wanted to and she looked the other way. I think it all blew up and divorce was filed when Randy was caught sleeping with a WOMAN instead of a man.

Anonymous said...

Live and let live I say.

Anonymous said...

Lib has aways been gray, if you go back and see photos when Randy first hit it big. And she's always been controling. Music City knows that! They married after surviving a serious car accident. Not sure if that had much to do with it, but the timing seemed right.

Anonymous said...

Gray or not, she's very obviously wearing a wig in nearly all pictures, especially at awards ceremonies.

Anonymous said...

She's always been a jealous, controlling hag who never even wanted the female fans near Randy back in the 80s. She did act like she owned him, and manipulated him into marrying her. Sometimes I wonder if she's the "source" who painted Randy as "gay" in the tabloids, just so he'd quickly marry her. Don't feel bad for her; he's made her a very wealthy woman. Their relationship was sick in the first place, like a mother-son-lovers arrangement. He should've been able to get married and have kids when he was younger; instead, he wasted his youth on this ugly, dried-up bag. Too bad he's slow-minded and let her control him all these years, but now he's finally free. I just wish he'd find someone a bit younger, 30s or 40s, and single, instead of a married woman who's also past menopause. He needs a young body.

Anonymous said...

Love Mary and Richie oodles. So sorry this happened for both of you because both your family and the Travis' were such good friends for so long. You taught me a lot Mary, and I will always be greatful that you and Richie opened your home up to me during my hardest time in life. No judgement here, but tons of prayers for everyone. Hope you all find your peace and happiness in your new journeys.

Anonymous said...

well i didnt know lib was a control freek and made randy feel like she was the only one he should marry and so he was like okey when really he didnt want to get married to her but did anyway and now is going to be getting married to a women that was in the same situation as randy was with lib so i am proud for both of them as i am proud to be married to my wife the same way he is soon to be to his new wife mary now it will be forever and ever good bye lib amean!!!

Anonymous said...

Mary went overboard attempting to make her marriage to Ritchie work. They were not partners in life or in business (even though she often worked at the dental office). It's sad the events unfolded as they did but the Beougher's were a very unhappy couple. It was time to move on....

Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad for Ritchie Beougher. I have seen the way he treats his patients. Horrible, unethical, pompous dentist who only cares about money. The irony is that Mary is the one that comes from money, which was the only way for him to build that grotesque dental castle. Could not have happened to a bigger A-hole. Karma is a bitch!

Anonymous said...

Why are people always so quick to jump on the women in situations like this? Randy and Mary were both pigs in this fiasco. If things are that bad in your marriage, FIRST get a divorce and THEN get it on with whoever you want to.

Anonymous said...

Lib cheated on her husband with what comes around goes around.

Anonymous said...

His wife was too old for him in the first place & should have left HIM alone. She could have been his manager without going after him. She made money for that. So what if she helped him get famous, she gained from it. It doesn't usually last the much older woman & younger man. Let's be honest here.

Anonymous said...

Yes he does need someone younger. It's not to late.

Anonymous said...

According to the Bible in Proverbs 6:26 "On account of a harlot, a man is brought to a piece of bread." Men, and women, when are you ever going to wise up and stop ruining your lives with these things. Go to God. Do things His way if you really want to enjoy life.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think Mary is posting a bunch of things in here. She is a stupid woman who has used men to climb the ladder of what she thinks is success. Her children suffer because of her loose ways. Randy will wise up and dump her soon and I mean quicker than you can skin a jack rabbit. FACT.

Anonymous said...

I,m a Chritian Woman 71 years who married a man 51 years a 20 year difference we love each other very much. it is hard for others to understand, but with the help of the Lord it is working out wounderful. It wasn,t for money only love. I feel bad for both of them, they only had a short time together anyway to bad it ended this way God Bless both of them

Anonymous said...

I published 9/11/12 correct the word Chritian it is Christian woman

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