Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Will and Jada Didn't Donate to Scientology This Year

Are Will and Jada backing away from Scientology?

Good news: Will Smith didn’t make any charitable donations to Scientology last year.

In the recent past, Smith’s private self-named charitable foundation had donated thousands of dollars to groups associated with Scientology.

So despite Will and wife Jada Pinkett Smith’s recent appearance at a Scientology lunch in Hollywood with celebrity disciples Tom Cruise and Jenna Elfman, the couple is not giving the cultish group tax free contributions any more.

last year the Smiths handed over $70,000 to Scientology groups. Will once equated the Christian bible with Scientology in an interview. That didn’t go over too well.

This time, instead, the Will Smith Foundation, in papers just filed with the IRS and Guidestar.org, turned its attention elsewhere. Smith gave away about $575,475 in 2009. Another place he could have contributed money but didn’t? His New Village Academy in Calabasas, California. There’s no entry for it. New Village, which has yet to file its own first Form 990 with the IRS, still advertises Scientology teaching on its curriculum list.

The Smiths did some interesting things with their money. A lot of it went to Christian ministries and teaching, including $12,800 to a group called Daughters of Power, in Beverly Hills. It’s an organization that does sort of Christian finishing for teenage girls.

The couple also gave $10,000 to the Harvard Foundation–maybe they’re laying the ground work to send little Jaden or Willow, their movie star children.

The biggest amounts went to Baltimore School for the Arts Foundation ($200,000); City of Refuge in Los Angeles ($150.000). Will also continues to send money to the Muhammad Ali Museum in Louisville. That’s a nice touch since he played Ali in the great Michael Mann film.

Jacked from Showbiz 411


Anonymous said...

Oooh, I guess that Scientology fad is wearing off I see...

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing the Scientologists didn't take to well to Will's comments about their group so they went after him. He probably took the e-meter test and a few classes when he first started in Hollywood so no telling what kind of dirt they have on him. I'm sure the money was payment for the COS's forgiveness.

Anonymous said...

I have a cousin that got caught up in it in Hollywood. He's in the entertainment biz but not a big player. When he went home to visit family they sent a handler with him I guess to make sure their influence didn't ware off. The Church of Scientology is a cult and they suck the life and money out of people. They prey on people with learning disabilities (my cousin is dislexic), mental illness, and social problems/stigmas and feed off of that all the while blocking them from getting the help they need.

Anonymous said...

That cult I hope not I remember not too long ago Will came out and she that he was a Christian not a Scientologist. I hope that they are giving there children a more well rounded life.

DOSbrand said...

Time will tell.

Anonymous said...

These 2 look f!ckin weird. They're still heavy into scientology. tmz showed them and ole tom cruise attending a scientology meeting just recently. This cult probably told him to give money to other areas, to help his dropping popularity. Black fans haven't taken well to all this scientology garbage him and jada are in too. Tom Cruise can get away with that...not him. Plus him and his wife publicly talking about their open marriage and sex life hasn't helped much either. Both of em are sickening! and I hate that hawthorne shit.

Anonymous said...

Co sign with 12:00.

Just because their names aren't on a check doesn't mean money wasn't given. They are trying to be slick because people have been blogging about them. Don't forget they are trying to pass off their spawn into show business, so its best to be cool and make it look like they are backing down.

Crystal said...

The City of Refuge...go Will! that's Bishop Noel Jones' church!! I LOVE that church! a place where God truly Dwells! Wow.. I have a new respect for the Smiths! they are Alright with me!!! ;0)

Anonymous said...

You got a pic of Jada like that without Will?

Anonymous said...

They're both a hot swinging, cult worshiping mess

Anonymous said...

one of the celebs i would love to meet:

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