Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Angelina Jolie's Kids Call Nanny 'Mom'

You didn't think she raised those kids herself did you?
In a slew of uncharacteristically personal interviews, Angelina Jolie has been telling the world what a “happy home” she has, and how she makes a point of spending concentrated time with her six children, bragging that she makes them bacon and eggs every morning. But at the Claremont Hotel Club & Spa in Oakland — the California city where their dad, Brad Pitt, is filming Moneyball — Angelina’s sons Pax, 6, and Maddox, 9, seemed to feel otherwise. In the “club” area of the hotel at around 3 p.m. on July 30, a witness reports, the boys chattered animatedly with a blond nanny, a bodyguard and two other young boys as the nanny ordered burgers and fries for them. “At one point, Maddox and Pax got into a brotherly spat over some ketchup,” the witness recalls. “The nanny firmly said, ‘Mad, let Paxie have some ketchup.’ Maddox said, ‘Mom, do I have to?’ and Pax was whining, ‘Mom, make him give me some.’”

Throughout the lunch, the witness says, the boys repeatedly called their nanny “mom” — something that, shocking as it sounds, isn’t surprising to some who know Angelina. “Angelina is gone so much working or in meetings that the kids do spend most of their time during the day with the nannies,” a family friend says, adding, “Publicly, Angelina would not like the hired help to be seen, but they are there and all of the kids are so attached to them, they are like family — whether Angelina wants to believe that or not.”

Jacked from In Touch Weekly


Anonymous said...

So? I'm sure they know who their mom is. In Touch has this ridiculous fixation on them. I wonder why they hate Angelina so much.

Anonymous said...

The older Jolie gets, she reminds of me of Joan Crawford-Mommie Dearest fame.

Anonymous said...

ALL celebrities have a nanny for their kids, some have several. No surprises here. I do think that when angie is not working she spends all of her time with the family and they also travel with her when possible. She got probs, but she does love her children.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:09

Your ass sounds like you were hired to post that shit. How fu k do you know?

Anonymous said...

@ 11:28. Because, if Angelina didn't love those kids, she wouldn't have adopted them. It's not like she got knocked up and doesn't believe in abortion. She made a concious decision to bring these kids into her and Brads lives. As for the kids that she did give birth to, if she didn't want any of her own, she could have taken precautions to prevent that from happening. So, not that I know them personally, but you can tell by the known facts about them, as well as what Angelina and Brad have BOTH said in interviews, these kids are loved very much. The fact of the matter is they have very demanding careers, and lets face it, when you're THAT busy, you CAN'T do everything yourself. But as much as Angelina is photographed out in public with the kids, as well as Brad, it's clear to anyone who doesn't have a hateful heart, they love their children. (No, the 10:09 post wasn't mine, I'm just cosigning. I can't stand haters!)

Anonymous said...

I think that Angelina is a faker anyway that only care about her own impulses and photo opts. She just like having control because by the way that she talks and acts this would not be something that Angie would like or maybe they feel that the nanny is a more overall mother.

@1:48 Brad is the epitome of a weak man with a very controlling woman that he cheated and left his wife for he goes along with Angie program. I am not saying that they don't love those children but I don't trust Angie as far as I can throw her she never takes other people feelings into consider but Shilol (know that it's spelled wrong)maybe wanted into be a boy at the age of 1.

Anonymous said...

I say what's done in the dark will come to light, in 10 20 yrs, these are the kids that will be on the net talking about, I never knew my mom she was never there, and when she was she was so high. we all know this.

Anonymous said...

Who cares??! It's HER life NOT ours, She ain't doin shit for us so why should we care what her kids call her or what drugs she's doin???? It's her life she's gonna live it how she wants to.

Anonymous said...


I don't give shit if you don't like 'haters'. That fuckin' words irks me. Get a new word! I said the other poster sounded like she was working for Jolie. And I still say it. You sound like you're working for 10:09. Sit your as down somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Ok, 2:31pm. So you don't like the word HATERS, and it irks you. So, instead, I'll call you an asshole who likes to come onto blogs and talk shit to other people and about other people. Anybody else would probably call you a hater to, since my description is that of a hater. So, why don't YOU, HATER, go sit your ass down somewhere. And no, I don't work for 10:09, I just call out assholes when I see them. ASSHOLE.

Anonymous said...

bish you need to read again because not in my comment said anything about haters because I don't call people hater because I hate the word we all have the right to our opinion and plus you comment does not go along with my comment not one bit so not sure if you were talking to me are just stupid as hell.

Anonymous said...

Boy, I know after Jennifer Aniston has sat back and vieed this bunch, she has to feel as though she most definately dodged a bullet. She should be very happy she did not make a family with Brad Pitt.

Anonymous said...


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