Friday, August 20, 2010

Jennifer Lopez is Looking for a Nanny

Ever thought you'd like to work for a celebrity? You might rethink your goal after you read what Jennifer Lopez is looking for in a nanny. 
Life & Style's Scene Queens have exclusively learned that superstar Jennifer Lopez is on the hunt for a personal assistant and not just anyone will meet the specific requirements for this A-list position. So what does it take? "The person has to be graceful under pressure, have a thick skin, and be resourceful in foreign countries, among others things," an insider tells the Scene Queens. "You'll be expected to travel at a moment's notice and must know how to adjust in each city."

As expected, working for a celebrity like J. Lo isn't a 9-5 job. "The job is 6 days a week, at least 12 hour days with one day off, but you may not get off for weeks," says the insider. "You'll be on call 24/7 and you've got to be organized and always on point."

And while hanging out with A-Listers may be glamorous - the insider notes the candidate must be comfortable around "very high profile people" - there are more mundane duties as well. "You have to change diapers, work on little sleep and cook if the butler is away," the insider continues. But don't worry, there will be some glamorous moments too; our source says qualified candidates get to help J. Lo dress for red carpet events and photo shoots. The salary for this gig? $55,000 to $65,000. Tickets to the Oscars may or may not be included!

Jacked from Life & Style


Anonymous said...

Yeah work for a Z list celeb is how I want to utilize my degree. My parents would be so proud and I so lucky.

Anonymous said...

65,000 is low ball for what she's asking. I read a more detailed list of requirements she is trying to make 1 person do 3 diff jobs.

Anonymous said...

Wow she's cheap as hell. 6 days a week 12+ hr days...on call 24/7 that comes out to less than 15 buck an hour on the low end and a little over 17 and hr on the high end. That's just for working a STRAIGHT 12hrs!

She HAS to be joking right? She asking folks to give up their lives for next to nothing for ALL that she asking.

Now 15-17 bucks an hour isn't bad for a regular 9-5 BUT being a NANNY, COOK, ASSISTANT AND world traveler whilst putting up with J. Ho's bullshit isn't enough...she needs better people...and needs to pay better!

Revolutionatrix said...

It does seem like $55-65gs is a little cheap but I would assume most living expenses are covered. Like the nanny would be given a place to live and a car, maybe a cell phone, buying food would be covered, etc. The nanny would only be making $65gs but she'd be paying for nearly nothing and have the best of everything.
I'm just assuming though.

Anonymous said...

65,000 is the advantage salary for the middle class yeah she will be raising the figure but she can get a Spanish person to work for those low wages preferably on trying to jump the boarder, hell they will work basically for free.

Anonymous said...

Bitch gotsta be crazy.

Anonymous said...

I made $55,000 working a 9 to 5 a few years ago, and I had weekends off. This person is basically a slave and will not have a life. perfect job for an older woman whose children are out of the house. Jen lives mostly in miami and newyork, and sad to say 65,000 grand aint shit in those states. That is a $85,000 a year job. Imagine having to travel,cook,and watch the kids for a latina. You have got be playing me. I need at least $50 an hr to deal with all that mess. It's kinda like being a domestic slave.

Anonymous said...

Yeah J Lo its all about you, right.

Anonymous said...

Awards show, for what to see her fall again.

I guess she wanna be finger phucked as well,
and give her husband a blow job.

Anonymous said...

Why can't her momma watch those kids, or better yet, her husband, he ain't doing shyit!!

I'll do it for 100,000 a year, weekends off!!

Anonymous said...

J Lo is a mega bitch, so she needs change the price.I have read several articles on how when she appears on tv shows, award shows etc. and request her dressing room must be all white everything,75 degrees,she wanted all red m&ms,several aroma therapy candles and all this extra queen of england crap.

Anonymous said...

You can make that salary working a regular job.

Anonymous said...

$65K, bitch please. That's regular money. How dare you insult this hard working school teacher who has every weekend every holiday and every summer off. Tee hee

Anonymous said...

LOL @ 55k - 65k for what amounts to servitude. Yeah, you get A LOT of perks working for celebs including traveling around the world for free BUT you have NO life.

You can't date, you will never see your friends and you will have little time to work out, rest, take care of yourself, etc. That's why most personal assistants are fat, lonely spinsters. It's so not worth it.

I'd do it for three years tops if I were fresh out of college. But she probably wants someone with a lot of experience.

SMH, who would want to work for J. Lo, though? She is a WELL KNOWN PAIN IN THE ASS.

Anonymous said...

She need to hire her mammy for this job! Sad thing is, fools will line up around the corner for this gig!

Anonymous said...

I guess if you want a nervous breakdown, then this is the job for you.

Anonymous said...

I'd do it for $200,000/year. I know she can afford it! She and celebs like her have paid more for 1 car.

Anonymous said...

I'd take the job in a heartbeat, with my hidden video and audio recorders running 24/7... might get lucky and see that cameltoe

Anonymous said...

Bish must be on best that is a 150K job a year. But yet JLO says she is not a diva? No wonder why she lost the bid to A.I.!!!She strikes me as a mad diva kind of person. No one in her family would even take that job (because that would be the only person that could "be thick skinned enough" to take the blunt of this madness while cursing her a** out in Spanish. An Oscar needs to go to the person who even bothers to take the would take an act of overt pretending to keep from choking someone's ass over this foolishness--ThatBKChick

Anonymous said...

@1:56 I think that comment is so racial, you should proof read what you write before posting not all hispanics work for almost nothing and with this recession, hispanics aren't the only ones working for almost nothing!!

Anonymous said...

Not to mention that she has twins, two children not one.

Me said...

BITCH pls, I make that now & don't have to put up with all that..funny! Cheap Asses!

Anonymous said...

That's what I get paid to push paper 5 days a week, 3 weeks vacation, 401k match and much more - I pass... she need to up that salary cause for all that shit she want she better be ready to pay - I hate how people will be loaded and want to cheap out on child care and personal assistant pay... plus the thick skin thing means she will be berating you and you have to "deal with it".. yea ahite... I'd Naomi Campbell her ass and hit her with my cell phone as I walk out telling her to kiss my black ass..

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the Nanny Diaries.

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