Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Lourdes is a Fan of the Good Stuff

Madonna's teenage daughter Lourdes smokes weed. Or at least she wants us to think she does.
She’s only 13 years old but Madonna’s daughter Lourdes is already creating a buzz.

As you can see in these RadarOnline.com photos, the Material Girl daughter’s fashion sense includes a wristband adorned with what appears to be a marijuana leaf.

Madonna launched Material Girl, a new clothing line for teenagers, with Lourdes, who goes by the nickname Lola.

The fashion line was unveiled at Macy’s this month. Sequined hot pants and lace minidresses are part of the items featured. The clothing is part of a trend that has been criticized as being too sensual for teenage girls.

And while Lola has her own blog and expresses a fondness for all things 80s and notes My Chemical Romance as a fav band, there’s no word if her famous mom is smoking mad over her latest fashion choice.

Jacked from Radar Online


Anonymous said...

Madonna really thought she would get away with all the crap she did years ago. her daughter is going to be her shame and heart break. You always get back what you give to the world. Her daughter is going to be out there in like 3 more years. po ol mama! I actually feel bad for her.

Anonymous said...

Fashion choice my ass that was an attention ploy. The same way Gwen Stefani did it and so have other white women. Half the time they wouldn't know what to do if you handed them a joint. Madonna is going to have her hands full with this one.

Anonymous said...

She looks so much like back in the day Madonna it's spooky!

Anonymous said...

She looks grown to only be 13.

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