Thursday, November 18, 2010

Battle of the Celebrity Babies

Celebrity baby nannies tell all.
At just four years old, both Suri Cruise and Shiloh Jolie-Pitt are already living like Hollywood royalty. But for the little princess and the rough and tumble tomboy, life couldn't be more different! One plays with diamonds, the other, with dead animals. And who would know better about their polar opposite lives than the people who care for them?

In the Nov. 29 issue of Star, on sale now, insiders from the Cruise and Brangie camps reveal the most intimate and shocking secrets of Suri and Shiloh's totally different lives. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' daughter Suri "never hears the word 'no,' from a nanny or anyone else," a source explains. Whether it's a priceless diamond tiara or cupcakes at midnight, spoiled Suri's wish is her overworked staff's command!

But taking care of tomboy Shiloh, the daughter of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, presents a different set of challenges. Though she's a sweet girl with a heart of gold, Shiloh has a serious mischievous streak that often gets the better of her. As we report in this week's issue, the wild child collects dead animals, plays childish pranks on unsuspecting nannies and cuts the heads of sister Zahara's dolls! "She was playing cowboys and Indians once and she said she had to scalp them," an insider reveals. "Brad made her apologize."
Jacked from Star


Anonymous said...

Like I said before collecting dead animals and cutting off doll heads is not normal behavior the child needs counseling - before she kills one of her classmates - why we always wait for the crazy to act before we do something - that little Suri sounds spoiled rotten but thats her parents fault - not any mental defect like poor Shiloh - sorry, John - at least Suri is "normal".

Operation: BeastMode said...

I know it might sound fun & all, being the child of super celebrities.. but I wouldn't want to be one. .. talk about an abnormal, fucked up life

Anonymous said...

... sounds like Angelina Jolie has found her match... this will be interesting...

Anonymous said...

Sooooo it pretty much sounds like she's gonna be wild as hell when she becomes a teenager...BUT I also think she's gonna be super close to her mom (which is great if she was sane) because she will condon her being "different". Brad is getn tired of her and its just a matter of time before he runs away screaming...of course he'll be old, wrinkled hasbeen by then.

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when these tight-wad celebutards do not pay their staff properly. Often times these people are not paid enough to put up with the crap they have to endure on a daily basis because "parents have checked out", or too busy to mind their children in a responsible way. I think that it is absolutely disgusting that she is being raise without having boundaries. She is going to be a train-wreck by the time she hits her teens. Shiloh on the other hand is cut from the same cloth as her momma, which explains why Ang allows her to do what she does.

I am more concerned about the Jolie-Pitt twins. There are rumors surfacing that they have Down Syndrome. The twins have physical traits—rounded face, flattened profiles and upward slanted eyes—typical of people with Down Syndrome. If this is true, then it is very sad. I cannot see AJ being very patient and nurturing to the twins. I hope and pray that they are ok, I never wish anything on anyone, especially children. --ThatBKChick

Anonymous said...

yep i read somewher that they were u notice they never take 'em out but they do look funny tho.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Shiloh sounds normal. Its Suri that like she needs help. Seriously who would spoil their like that?And she can walk she is not a handicap, they just treat like one. Plus why does she always need a toy?

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