Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Janet Ready to Make Oprah Pay

Janet Jackson is furious with Oprah Winfrey for interviewing Michael Jackson's children and she's getting ready to spill Oprah's secrets to exact her revenge.
"YOU make me sick!" An irate JANET JACKSON hurled those angry words at Oprah Winfrey over the talk-show queen's blockbuster interview with her late brother Michael's three children, pals say.

Janet feels Oprah has betrayed the Jackson family, sources say, and she plans to expose the talk-show queen's dirtiest secrets in revenge - with help from their mutual friend, filmmaker Tyler Perry.

"Janet is furious," a close family friend told The ENQUIRER.

"She thinks Oprah took advantage of Michael's children for TV ratings. Janet told her Michael would be heartsick that Oprah used his kids as pawns."

"The two women had a blistering blowup during a telephone call on the day that the show was taped," said the friend. When Oprah made it clear that she was going ahead with the interview, Janet screamed: "Oprah, you make me sick!"

Adding fuel to the fire, the interview aired back-to-back with an Oprah Winfrey Show about 200 men who had been sexually molested.

Perry appeared on that show, and the actor/director- best known for cross-dressing as movie character Madea in Diary of a Mad Black Woman - has been dragged into the feud, insiders say.

Perry, 41, has been close to Oprah since vacationing with her in Italy in July 2008, but he's also directed Janet in the movies For Colored Girls, and Why Did I Get Married? and its sequel.

"Janet is closer to Tyler, and Oprah knows it. Now Janet is threatening to use that friendship to get back at Oprah," said the source.

"Janet has let Oprah know that Tyler has been very candid about sharing Oprah's secrets with her - and Oprah's definitely got secrets.

"Janet is so outraged that she's not above getting back at Oprah by spreading those secrets."

Oprah invited Janet to talk about her beloved brother on her show that aired Nov. 8, but Janet flatly refused, said an insider.

"There's no way Oprah coincidentally produced a show on sexual abuse and aired it so close to her interviews with Michael's children," the source said.
Jacked from The National Enquirer


Anonymous said...

spill it. it aint slander if its true.

Anonymous said...

You told Harpo to beat me!!!!! stomps off mad.....

Anonymous said...

What ever its the National Enquirer. Janet has way too much class to stoop low enough to slander Oprah...Plus those ain't even Michael's kids Mike was crazy when he bought those white people children and Janet knows that and his family as well and Janet isn't mad at an interview with some white man and woman slave children...Mike bought those kids he didn't adopt them nor did they have his name on there birth certificate...Good move Mike...RIP

Anonymous said...

That is news to me. All this time I thought his name was on the birth certificate.

Anonymous said...

janet has no business getting angry.. why?? because is she raising the kids?? hell naH.. so she needs to keep all comments and feelings to herself,, sad they got their old azz mother raising mike's kids.. they all ought to be ashamed of themselves.. they are not even looking out for the future of those kids.. what are the poor kids gonna do if grandma passes on or gets sick???

Anonymous said...

@ 2:29

I do agree that this does not sound like a move Janet would make.

So you are a 3rd of an idiot!!!

nba is fixed said...

Janet better be careful or she will be buried next to her brother. The multi-billionaire talk show host has a plethora of conections with secret societies and shadow governments. She can make Janet disappear and make it look like an accident. Don't think the richest woman in television is not above doing something like that in order to protect her empire.

Anonymous said...

I am so sick of people passing comments based on ignorance...Since the 1st time I saw those children, I have looked at their features! now get past their color..look at the chin (all 3)look at the eyes if the older 2 had darker eye color,now look at the little one (blanket)look into those eyes (they're dark)...Now I have been MJ fan since 1974 concert @ MSG
now look at a thriller album cover...I get MJ's EGO would not allow him to pass the chance to see his "own" back at the time these children were conceived there were all kinds of medical crap going on...pick boy or girl,what eye color,etc..I remember thinking how strange but i can't say if i had money (VERY EXPENSIVE PROCESS)i might feel his reasons for the choices he made ....R just that HIS as R those children

Anonymous said...

i agree with 5:45 on both points. it's crazy to say that someone would not be mad about her nephew and niece being exploited because they may not be his biological children. bfd. he raised them, their his. there are plenty of kids that aren't raised by their biological parents, that doesn't make their connections insincere.

but also agree that i don't see janet as the kind of woman that would be threatening to put someone's business on blast. to be honest, janet has just as many secrets as oprah, so she'd know better than to play that game. hell oprah done told all of her business anyway.

Anonymous said...

the enquirer is true yall u ever peep game on how they put out shit months ahead or a year then u find out it is the truth ...most lies have 90 percent of truth to it that bitch is mad at oprah evrybody think janet is so nice so sweet that bitch is mean as hell!oprah a mafaker too!

Anonymous said...

Janet should not be too happy with her mom for allowing this walrus to waddle into the Jackson home and have access to MJs kids. They know all to well how small minded Orca feels about MJ. Like Randy said, "in her mind, my brother is still on trial". This built Ford tough F 150 has access to the same evidence that reveals the truth about MJ/the accusations/the conspiracy....still she continues to villify MJ. Bunion riddled hoof bull.

Anonymous said...

Janet has every right to be havin feelings of anger and more because harpoheffa has exploited MJ's children, I never been a fan of MJ but point is oheffa harpo has exploited these children for ratings and her own gratification.

Anonymous said...

i aint in it.(lol)

Anonymous said...

I just reassd this. Are you serious? First all, Janet don't even tell her own secrets, so why would she be telling Oprahs. Plus, they are stsill good friends. Janet has been friends with Oprah for years and her older brother Jackie recently took Oprah out to lunch before her show went off the air and guess who encouraged it...Janet, so I know this article is untrue.

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