John Travolta is suing blogs for posting a stories about his alleged secret sex life.
Hours before his wife Kelly Preston gave birth to their son Benjamin, John Travolta’s team shot off a five-page legal letter to Gawker, demanding it remove a post purporting to reveal the actor’s so-called “secret sex life” with other men in Los Angeles spas.Jacked from Gossip Cop
In the blistering missive, obtained by Gossip Cop, Travolta’s attorney, Marty Singer, calls out the site posting “false and outrageous” claims made by Robert Randolph, whose salacious stories Gawker ran in a post called “The Secret Sex Life of John Travolta.”
In a self-published book, Randolph alleges to have seen Travolta on multiple occasions in steam rooms engaging in sexual acts with men.
Singer refers to Randolph’s stories as “blatant defamatory lies” from a “patently unreliable source,” and points out that the “author” acknowledged on his own website that he suffered “permanent brain damage” in 2003.
Also hurting Randolph’s credibility, notes Singer, is that his stories “go back fifteen years, yet inexplicably, he has waited until now to peddle these phony tall tales.”
Furthermore, Travolta’s camp points to what they say is the absurd notion that a world-famous movie star would repeatedly commit adultery in public – casually, and in front of strangers – and that Randolph would bear witness each time.
The idea that Travolta “engaged in multiple adulterous sexual encounters in different public locations in Los Angeles (where he does not live), and that each time, the (nonexistent) events were coincidentally witnessed by [Randolph], is absolutely ridiculous,” asserts Singer.
In repeating the sex claims that the site admits other outlets were “skittish about printing,” Gawker is “significantly compounding the damages” incurred by Travolta, according to his lawyer.
Travolta’s side is demanding the immediate and permanent removal of the Randolph post and “publication of an unequivocal and prominent retraction of the false and defamatory statements.”
Gossip Cop reached out to Gawker, but has yet to hear back.
Scientologist unite..... who cares who John Travolta is screwing or who fathered Kelly's baby - I'm trying to figure out how to pay my fucking rent on an ever decreasing salary.
John Travolta is a raging homo who needs to be true to himself. He knew what he was doing everytime he dropped his pants for a man. No matter how much he pays the Church of Scientology, they cannot protect him from himself.
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