Nicki Minja's Pink Friday gets horrible reviews. Even from her supporters.
Zach: Will it ruin the suspense/debate if I admit right at the top here that Nicki Minaj made a bad record? Because, jeez, Pink Friday really is sort of difficult to listen to—the sound of one of rap’s world-class personalities having all her clever foibles and idiosyncrasies blasted away and replaced with . . . platitudes about the power of women? Worse, actually: badly sung platitudes about the power of women. But the question I want to ask you is this: In the grand scheme of rap in 2010, does the failure of this album even matter? Ultimately, at the end of the year, I’m rating Nicki like I rate one of her biggest fans, Kanye West: as a fascinating, exceedingly bonkers, total personality. The record to me is almost beside the point.
Rich: This, indeed, is pink garbage. I wouldn’t even give it as much credit as you—I don’t hear platitudes about the power of women so much as self-aggrandizement masquerading as empowerment via a few bones thrown to Nicki’s imaginary sisters. I mean, this woman doesn’t even quote Helen Reddy properly! Where’s the “U.N.I.T.Y.”? Regarding your question, I’ll answer with another question: Why are so many people so bent on defending Nicki Minaj at each underwhelming turn? She flubs a freestyle when put on the spot, and it’s, “Girls don’t freestyle!” She botches performances left and right with blatantly relied-on backing tracks, embarrassing dancing, and missed notes, and it’s, “Well, she’s just not a seasoned performer yet.” She releases weak pop single after weak pop single and it’s, “Well, she’s just trying to get her name out there.” She cuts an embarrassingly cheap-sounding, lazily hooked album and it’s, “Well, it doesn’t matter.” So why, Zach, why? Why can’t people face the fact that they were probably wrong about this girl? She’s given ample evidence. By the way, I’m not sure that her exceeding weirdness is anything beyond scowl-deep. Pink Friday is proof.
Jacked from The Village Voice
That disc is a COMMERCIAL MESS!!!!
I agree! This CD was a disappointment...I had greater expectations for Nicki..but she caved into this commercial madness and put a a less than mediocre record..booooooo Nicki...Lil Kim's Hardcore Album was her first and a classic, and I can still jam to it to this day...ur album will be a coaster on my coffee table next week..smh
Step Ya Rap Game Up..and get some better beats
The cd is garbage.
I heard the previews and I wasn't too impressed a few songs were ok though
thats only from 2 losers still love nicki friday bitches
i heard the album i love it but i wish there were more songs like romans revenge not dissing somebodies old granma but hardcore on it. i understand song like those dont get played on the radio and dont appeal to mainsteam and the record label is only trying to make money soo maybe on the next album....hell if soulja boy can release 3 albums nicki aint going nowhere
The album is trash! I gave it to my little sister. Sorry, the truth hurts, she isn't talented, and the sales show it!
She will end up like T-Pain and that damn voice box - hot for the moment and then!
Rap is dead if this is the best female out right now!
she is a joke and should do comedy instead--no talent, except with coloring and finger paints!!
a damn joke! ignorant folks stilll pushing her, instead of keeping their money in their pockets, smdh!
my daughter already knows Nicki is a clown, and we don't take clowns seriously!
white folks got their money tied up in her, good luck!
We worship and adore anything now--these young singers chicks don't have to be able to do anything but look good or act crazy..
Hell, someone made Kim KarTRASHian a damn millionaire--SOMEbody is buying, smdh!!
**meant, young male and female singers
Sounds like a LOT of hateration going on here. Like it or not Nicki appeals to the sound of music that is NOW.
I like the album & face it, whether you like her/hate her, buy her things or not, she's paid & she'll continue to get paid as long as she has a strong following. So you can remain bitter and spit venom or find something positive about a young woman making something of herself within the male dominated "rap world" and trying to pave a path for every female that's been told "you can't do that, you're a girl"
GROW UP people - nicki, young money, they'll be around for as long as they see fit
hopefully this is the end of nikki MIRAGE!!!
Lil Kim clone colwn !! :)
"trying to pave a path for every female that's been told "you can't do that, you're a girl"
WRONG. People like MC lyte, Queen Latifah, Salt N Pepa, Lady Dee, and YoYo paved the way for female rappers. Tricki Mirage is just a benefactor of that "pavement." Stop it.
"young money, they'll be around for as long as they see fit"
WRONG again. Every rap "dynasty" (Junior Mafia, Death Row, Murder Inc, G-Unit, Dipset, etc) comes but definitely goes, and they DON'T last long. There's always a new wave of artists to come and stomp on the past "group." Stop making excuses for the mediocre person with a recording contract.
November 29, 2010 11:48 PM me and u agree anit nothing but some trick ass haters up in here what they need to be doing is focusing on their welfare benefits thats getting ready to be cut
Young money bought all the cds to make it look like she has fans. smdh
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