Sunday, November 21, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Out of Linda Lovelace Movie

Lindsay Lohan's druggie butt lost another film role.

Lindsay Lohan will no longer play famed porn star Linda Lovelace in the biopic Inferno.

"We are withdrawing our offer from Lindsay Lohan," director Matthew Wilder tells E!.

While it may seem a harsh strike against Lohan 24, who is currently in rehab at the Betty Ford Center in California, the director says it's not personal, it's business.

"We have stuck by Lindsay very patiently for a long time with a lot of love and support," Wilder says. "Ultimately, the impossibility of insuring her -- and some other issues -- have made it impossible for us to go forward."

No word yet on who will take Lohan's place, but an announcement is imminent. "We are currently in negotiations [with another actress] and working out the legalities of bringing her onboard."
Jacked from Us Magazine


JeminiBish said...

Wow! she is not bringing any money in like she use to be so im sure her Handler will be pressing the self destruct button real soon on her. so expect her to #overdose or get killed in some freakish accident. #RIP lindsay Lohan you destroyed yourself

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's me why does society focus on porn stars. There are real life stories other then porn. The children today are bombarded with sex.

Society tells the individuals who will listen that screwing is the way to become famous. Even if it means having your body parts stretched to the size of the grand canyon.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree @ 11:13 AND anon 12:33 It's all part of the New World Order, they are trying to reprogram everybody and the best way is to attack our values and morality. Kids are their #1 target with impressionable minds. That's why parents got to do better. For those that just don't get it, I feel sorry for you. We are in spiritual warfare!

Anonymous said...

kanye west would be good replacement he'd jus love to be a dirty white girl .

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

LMFAO at Kanye standing in for Lyndsay.... shit he got more experience sucking dick than her anyway....

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