Demi Lavato cell phone pics leak.
I thought Demi Lovato was in rehab like all the other Disney whores before her. She’s 18. She’s in entertainment. She’s been doing this since she was a kid. Her parents whored her out at a young age, robbing her of her youth to pay their mortgage, so pulling down her shirt and playing with her newly blossomed tits, seems totally normal….
I am sure all the boring celeb media is going to try to make a story out of this cuz they are bottom feeders, but shit, this is how teenage girls are, don’t rob her of that too, cuz if you try to make her feel this is wrong, she’ll never take it to the next step of fucking on camera….
That’s all I have to say about that.
Jacked from Drunken Stepfather
She look good.Anyway, I know just about all these chicks who were poster children for Disney are damn-near nymphos, so I'm not surprised.
Sad an sickening! All these kids & young adults corrupted by sex. It's in their face 24/7 in some form. Girls think fake tits and being a whore is sexy. They all wanna be kim kardashian. If u got kids, teach em better.
Jesus take the wheel! These young girls not only lost there minds but also their souls. Someone has got to put an end to this! Disney needs to be shut down.
Disney pimps these children out like crazy
"this is how teenage girls are, don’t rob her of that too, cuz if you try to make her feel this is wrong, she’ll never take it to the next step of fucking on camera….
That’s all I have to say about that."
Umm...this should be corrected to "this is how most HOLLYWOOD teenage girls are". Some average everyday teens have dignity and don't go around whoring themselves. Yes, she's 18, but whoever wrote this shouldn't imply that this is and should be normal.
women are obsessed with their tits these days!
Not Surprised. Demi recently joined back on Twitter which i think is a HUGE mistake but Im sure After Disney Re-Programmed Her everything should go "normal" now. she suffered a glitch. And All Disney (GIRL/BOY) stars turn out to be Bisexual...Justine Timberlake, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Christina Aguilera, and Raven Symone is just a few of them...NO SURPRISE
Her tits look spectacular....
But on some real shit, child stars turn out like this 95% of the time because children SHOULD NEVER BE providing for a family. EVER. Neither should women, but that's a different conversation for a different day.
These children are making it possible for their lazy ass despicable parents to live the kind of life they couldn't provide on their own - plain and simple.
This is why I support the Smiths decision to let Jaden and Willow do their thing - they don't need that money!!! If there are any kids that should be in the spotlight it should be the kids of people that already have money. Children should not be the difference between you living in an apartment and owning a nice home. I know a lot of broke people love to push their kids in music & sports with the hopes of a big payout but that is WRONG.
Having said all that, there is nothing wrong with these pics in my opinion. Sadly, a lot of you women look like shit and you can't stand any woman that uses her attractivness and sex appeal to get what she wants. You call her a whore or a slut or say she has no morals. You think that if you shame attractive women that that will make men look to unatractive women nore. It's all a ploy to try and shift the power dynamic back to "average-looking" women. Not gonna happen.
Mr Disnney the creator of the name "Disnney" was a coke I'm not surprised that everyone who gets fame,ends up shamed....
Beauty can be a curse....I would know...
lol@ the guy in the back
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