Monday, December 13, 2010

Kanye Dissed Drake. Drake Doesn't Know Why

If somebody records a song with you, and then drops your vocals off the record in favor of a bunch of other people, that's considered a diss, right? So why is Drake acting like he doesn't know why Kanye faded him?

DRAKE is adamant he's not angry with KANYE WEST for dropping their collaboration from his new album - but admits he doesn't understand the way the rapper works.

The hip-hop newcomer was thrilled when the Stronger hitmaker asked him to record some vocals for a track called All Of The Lights for My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy.

West dropped Drake's performance from the final version of the song, but the young rap star insists he's not bitter about the decision.

He tells Shade 45 radio, "Kanye's creative process is ever-changing. We make music differently. I make what comes to me and I hate changing it, whereas 'Ye (West) will change something 30 or 40 times to get it perfect.

'To each their own, and the change was to put all those people on it, and I wasn't one of them. That's completely okay."
Jacked from Contact Music


Anonymous said...

maybe cause he smashed amber...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

is it my fault at first when i read the title i read kanye KISSED drake. drake doesn't know why

Anonymous said...

maybe cause he's wack...

Anonymous said...

I thought it was starnge that knaye had everybody and their mama on the album but not drake... hm, oh well

Anonymous said...

did herman munster bring that point up on his own or was he asked? I find it odd that Gay fish dropped one of the hottest cartoon characters out right now.

Anonymous said...

He dropped Drake cause Drake decided to start fucking Rhianna instead of Kanye.

Anonymous said...

As long as he got paid for his verse why would he care?

Anonymous said...

Kanye got tired of Drakes monotone sounding AZZ just like the rest of us!!

Anonymous said...

LMAO CTFUPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP @ 1:09! And true too @ 2:17! Everything he does does sound the same! And shortly kanye will do something to relieve the world of his talents!!! To him that will make him the greatest artist ever in his twisted demented reality!!!!

Anonymous said...

konnie is a biitch, we know why, shes jealous and immature. nobody knows why she does what she does, but we know he will be on twitter in 5,4,3,2,1 to discuss it....

Anonymous said...

Fuck Kanye! His cd is wick,wick,wack!! Drake is killing him and he knows it!

Anonymous said...

^^^^ i see one person up in here is still drinking the kool-aid.

Anonymous said...

I just read the credits for this song, and Drake IS credited for background vocals right along with every one else that sang background for the song.

**Folks, please do your own homework before assuming the worst of everything. Peace!

Anonymous said...

And that song is GREAT!!!! Poor

Anonymous said...

uh and his album is so not "wack" be curious 6:35 am, what is your idea of an album that out that's not "wack"?

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