Friday, December 10, 2010

Miley Cyrus Busted at a Bong Party

Miley Cyrus gets high and tries to rap Nicki Minaj's verse on 'Bottoms Up'

Miley Cyrus celebrated her 18th birthday by experimenting with a bong and catching a case of the giggles.

The video was shot during a party at Miley's L.A. area home 5 days after her 18th birthday.

According to a source connected with Miley ... the smoke filling the bong is a natural herb called salvia which has psychedelic qualities. Possession of salvia is legal in California.

As for the video ... the source tells us it was shot by one of Miley's friends -- and theory is that someone stole or copied the video from that friend's camera.

Jacked from TMZ


Anonymous said...

Not surprised....

Anonymous said...

And she didn't choke at all...soo obviously this was NOT her first time. This is just sad.

Anonymous said...

hey, if that shit is legal, i say have a blast!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone get high and try to rock out and play air gutairs?

Anonymous said...

This bitch is becoming the new Lindsay more and more each day.

nba is fixed said...

By the way salvia is more dangerous than weed

♫♥☆♪MoN!QU3♫♥☆♪ said...

I found it funny silly bitch

Anonymous said...

rehab is next...

Anonymous said...

of course she is next in the disney line of producing whores, it's been programmed into her, and now her father is crying about it, he should of been on her a long time ago. go to and read all about it, it's so funny and not in a good way.

Anonymous said...

Let's remember that she is a young girl and let's hope that she does NOT end up like Lindsey Lohan, Brittany Spears, etc.

Miley appears to be going through something. Her mom and dad are going through a divorce. Both were involved with her life and career and this may be taking an affect on her in a differnt kind of way so she is acting out.

Miley is VERY successful with sales out-the-roof. She is one of the most successful YOUNG stars out there. Someone in her camp is a hater and is doing this to hurt her. When everything has been going right in your life someone always wants to bring you down.

Let's pray for her and her family.

Anonymous said...

Who ever that was filming Miley at her house wasn't a real friend because she sold the video to TMZ....That is the real problem not her smoking a little grass.

She needs to be careful because it starts with weed then cocaine those people only want to destroy you Miley stay grounded.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

^^^ oops this is the link
ppl dont blast this bish enough

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

how is it sad? Half you people smoked when you were her age.. get the freak out of here.. with this high and mighty attitude.. Miley can do what she do.. I would smoke with her.

Anonymous said...

^^^ yeah but most of us werent teen idols either! We hadn't made millions off of lil kids by portraying ourselves as clean wholesome little angles either. And another thing just because you were a weed head when you were a teen does not mean everyone else was too. Believe it or not but some people don't need drugs to either (A. - fit in with others, or B. - cope with their reality). Only weak people do.

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