Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Kim Kardashian Dumps Gabriel Aubry

Kim Kardashian dumped Halle Berry's ex because she felt he was using her for fame.
Kim Kardashian's budding romance with model Gabriel Aubry has ended as suddenly as it began Life & Style can exclusively reveal.

"Kim feels like Gabriel was just using her for her fame," an insider close to Kim tells Life & Style. Plus, Gabriel, 34, "is older than Kim is looking for," says the insider. "So she's decided to stop seeing him."

Kim's not wasting any time on regrets she has already started dating Kris Humphries, a 25-year-old basketball player for the New Jersey Nets.

"Kim likes him much more than Gabriel," says the insider to Life & Style. "He's normal, so much fun and cute. He's perfect for what Kim wants right now, which is some fun dates and some fun times." And of course he's an athlete, continuing Kim's pattern of falling for jocks.

So just how serious are they? The new duo went out for a dinner date at Nobu in NYC recently, and Kim watched Kris play in Newark, N.J., on Nov. 29 followed by a post game hang out. But that wasn't the 30-year-old reality star's only trip to New Jersey, the pair was just spotted on Dec. 5 at Maxwell's Bar in Hoboken, N.J. dining out. Kim, who is watching her weight since she stopped filming in NYC, ordered a goat cheese salad and a veggie burger (hold the bun)!

"There's a real spark between them," adds the insider.
Jacked from Life & Style 


Anonymous said...

Please Kim has used people for fame herself like putting out a sex tape with you and another celebrity.

Anonymous said...

Kris stop the bullshit!!

EVERY man Kim has had USED her,don't no man want any woman with busted pussy walls.

Anonymous said...

@2:25 that last statement made me lose my train of thought I can see those wall flapping in the wind. LOL

Anonymous said...

Good, now it's my turn. I don't wanna wife you and definitely don't want the fame. I just wanna hit it every now and then. Cool?

Anonymous said...

This story is so fake. They just keep churnin them out!

Ms. Curtis said...


Anonymous said...

I am 100% positive that Aubry was too white and not rich enough for her fame thirsty ass.

Anonymous said...

He has a baby by the woman America continually votes "Sexiest Woman Alive" and he's using KIM K for fame?!?

Hoe sit down.

Anonymous said...

I hope she dies of ass cancer of the mouth, like tomorrow. The world will be a better place.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Exactly @4:43

Anonymous said...

Agreed @ 4:23 & 4:43 I think Halle slipped that ho some money NOT mess with him anymore. She not used to pink weenies anyway.

Anonymous said...

And he's prettier than her.

Anonymous said...

This is so damn stupid. Kim is not gonna get into something with A-lister Halle Berry's multi-personality ass. This fake shit was squashed in a hurry.

Anonymous said...

"She feels that Aubry was using her for fame"...ain't that a bitch?....Doing the shame thing Kim and the Hoedashian clan has been doing to others people....KARMA IS A BITCH!!!

I honestly think that Halle put the break on her sceezy scene and told Aubry to STFU and sit your ass down else you get no of my table scraps....that's what "I think what had happened was"--ThatBKChick

Anonymous said...

Maybe he got tired of her smelling like piss all the time.

Anonymous said...

He knew she was seeing another man when the strong stench of urine filled the room when she entered.

Anonymous said...

Look at the pot calling the kettle black LOL. Good one Kimmy.

Anonymous said...

Dead @ 7:37pm and 7:41!!!
-Cherry Darling

Anonymous said...

E News reported on yesterday that Kim broke up with Gabe because Halle, yes I said Halle Berry called that WHORE up and told her that she did NOT want her around her daughter. PERIOD. End of story.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:17PM I saw that story on E.
Kim got scared Halle was going to tax that ass.

So here we go...moving on with another story.
Kim and Gabriel were using each other. It was already said that he was doing this to piss Halle off because he knew she did not like Kim. Hell, he didn't like Kim either.

Anonymous said...

Kim will get hurt one day crossing people up and shit!

Anonymous said...

Halle Berry was going to wax that ass... she is from Cleveland. Midwest hoes fight like a MF.. Detroit, Cleveland St Louis, Flint

Anonymous said...

Kris please use condoms, hide your wallet and don't let this trick call you directly. Let your handlers take all calls and make appointments

Anonymous said...

LOL all of you are so FUNNY; I co-sign with a majority of you alls posts; Kim K has no REAL fame, and didn't prior to her and Ray J's sex tape; What does this trick do again specifically besides date atheletes? At least Paris Hilton's family name is recognizable. In Kim's case, her STEP-FATHER is the one with the recognizable name and he is in the background. Kim needs to get a life; what a waste of space at 30.

Anonymous said...

Cleveland, "The Mistake by the Lake", is full of babies and whiners. That's why the Bulls served the Cavs their sixth loss in a row last night. LOL

Anonymous said...

That was @9:52 PM.

Anonymous said...

@8:29 AM - Get your facts straight. Kim's father was one of OJ Simpson's top lawyers. Her family name was well-known long before anyone had ever heard of her.

Anonymous said...


Wow! Her father was a lawyer for OJ who DID NOT get paid. That's the only notable thing he did. Her family name was nothing and still is nothing. Hilton's name goes back for GENERATIONS. Paris' whole family is known and rich on both sides. Her great grandfather was married to Elizabeth Taylor. They got old money. Kim K is new money and will die broke.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:55am-Bruce Jenner is way more recognizeable than Robert Kardashian. He's been in the news since the 70's. Neva heard of Kardashian til OJ and he wasn't even one of the top attorneys. Johnny Cochran and Robert Shapiro was. Just sayin...

Anonymous said...

@12:02 PM - You kow you're skating on thin ice when you start stanning for Paris Hilton. LOL! Conrad Hilton was once new money, as well.

@12:06 PM - Doesn't matter hgow long, the point is the name was known.

Anonymous said...

I agree, the Hilton name stands stong.
They were once new money that has become very ollllldddd money and they are still making lots of money.

Paris will be set either way. She is an heir to the big throne. Kim is just an old slut.

Anonymous said...

Kris looks angry as fuck!

Anonymous said...

@ 4:49 Known for WHAT??? Certainly not for being wealthy. So what he was on the OJ Simpson team. All he got was 15 minutes of fame and NO PAYMENT...after OJ, his name was never uttered again in the media until he died.

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