Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tonex Gone Wild

Former gospel star Tonex spotted showing out in New York City night club.
One of our snitches was out at a club and apparently ran into Ms Tonex! Here is an email they sent to us:

"You won't believe my night last night. So a friend and I decided to step out to club Splash in New York's Meatpacking District (no pun intended). After walking around what was the most boring club I've ever been to we heard some queen screaming. Thinking it was a drag show we walked over to that area.

After arriving where the stage was I could see this black sweaty thing in UGG Boots flipping his/her hair clip side to side. After laughing hysterically I walked up to the stage to take some pictures.

When I got to the stage and listened even closer I realized it was Gospel Singer Tonex! As I sat there he danced around as if he was on some type of drug, sweating all over the place. Now there have always been rumors that he was gay, but I gave him credit thinking he was just there to perform. This is where the girl got crazy!

He jumped off the stage and began doing shablams! For those who don't know what that is its when a gay boy makes certain movements and then falls to the floor to what's usually a techno beat. He then separated the dancefloor and encouraged all the gays and tranny's to 'walk' and do their dances all down the floor. Tonex ended singing Janet Jackson's 'Feedback' and screaming at the top of his prayer filled lungs.

He ended his show by laying on his back and kicking his feet in the air like a little white kid throwing atemper tantrum in a Target store. It was quite interesting seeing him out. I just hope he's not on drugs."

We don't know what's going on with Ms. Tonex but we're praying for you mama.
Jacked from LowKey Messy


Anonymous said...

I like his hair in the 1st pic :)

Anonymous said...

He's already come out of the closet as gay, so that's nothing new. He is honestly probably the most talented man in music today, but he has ISSUES! I hope he is not on drugs, but he's been downward spiraling for a few years since he lost his father and then his mother. I'm a huge fan of his, and I really hope he is alright.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if Tonex is on drugs or anything, but the movements described in the story sound like the movements the 'children' make when they are vogueing. Not 'Madonna' vogueing - the real thing that's been around for @ least 30/35 years that she tried to appropriate and call her own.
The description also sounds as if he was doing the 'new style' of the dance. After/during his singing, he probably opened the floor for the other 'children' to perform. It's nothing new or (necessarily - who knows @ Splash...)drug infused. The only thing that I'm surprised at is that Splash hosts this sort of performance. I thought it was a club for muscle boys to cruise other muscle boys...
In anycase, if Tonex is out - more power to him for doing his thing - fck the haters with their stale 'T' who can't take it.

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Who in the hell left the gate open?!

Anonymous said...

WOW..all these gay ass men in church, thinking that prayer is gonna free them from homosexuality. They get in church, sing and praise the lord and still feel torment and "unnatural" (I put that in quotes because to some being gay is as natural as breathing and to others it's not) compulsions and urges. I get so fucking SICK of men - BLACK MEN IN PARTICULAR - using the cloak of religion for supressing who and what they TRULY are. This nigga is tripping, he's a disgrace and you know what? I bet you he's still tormented.

Anonymous said...

Is it Tonex or Tone X?

I'm not part of either community (gospel/gay) but I've heard he's the truth.

Could someone give me the rundown as to why he stopped doing gospel? TIA

Anonymous said...

I'm side eyeing this. Not that I don't think Tonex is a creepy dude but that this person didn't have video on their camera? All we get are grainy pics?

Anonymous said...

lmao...he a clown...just sayin

Anonymous said...

Who is he? I just know the old gospel singers, I never heard of any of his "music", again what has he done in the gospel world? Why is he so called worthy of a post, because he looks like that ugly guy on america's next top non working model, mr. j I can't and won't call a man a woman because he wasn't born a woman.

Anonymous said...

Queen of De Nial

Anonymous said...

^^^Great gospel singer, finally came out of the closet (after being married/divorced) but unfortunately he does not appear to be happy.

Anonymous said...

his mixtape is one of thee best i have ever him being on drugs I plead the FIF...but i do know he is very talented Nikki True- Nothing is Taboo

Anonymous said...

Well first of all SPLASH is not in the Meatpacking District it is in Chelsea.

Anonymous said...

yea, he's out of the closet and pastors a pretty large church in Cali. it looks like Tonex but last time i saw him (a few weeks ago) he was bald so I'm not sure this is him. plus, homebody is loaded and travels the world so not sure why he would expose himself like this in a club.

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