Monday, January 31, 2011

Charlie Sheen Strippers and a Briefcase full of Cocaine

Charlie Sheen was rushed to the hospital over the weekend after binging on cocaine and hookers.
Charlie Sheen allegedly had a ''briefcase full of cocaine'' delivered to his Los Angeles home just hours before being rushed to hospital this morning (27.01.11) with severe abdominal pains.

Charlie Sheen allegedly had a "briefcase full of cocaine" delivered to his house just hours before being rushed to hospital with severe abdominal pains.

The 'Two and a Half Men' actor held a 36-hour party at his Los Angeles home - where guests included two porn stars, a business associate and several other women - and a source at the bash claims the class-A drug was brought to the property following hours of drinking.

According to gossip website TMZ, Charlie began snorting cocaine for several hours before being taken to the nearby Cedars-Sinai Hospital at 7am this morning (27.01.11), where he is currently being treated.

When asked about the reports, his representative, Stan Rosenfield, said: "I can't comment because I have no idea if it's true."

Charlie's condition is said to be "serious" and his parents, Martin Sheen and Janet Templeton, are with him as is his ex-wife Denise Richards, who he has two young daughters with.

A Los Angeles City Fire Department spokesman confirmed they received an emergency call requesting help at the Beverly Hills address where Charlie lives.

He said: "We had a call to dispatch at 6.35am this morning. This call came into dispatch as a medical run and we responded out there to the location. We had one of our rescue ambulances, which has two paramedics, and we had one of our engines, which has four firefighters on board and one of our EMS commanders respond to that location.

"We transported at least one individual from that location to an area hospital."

In October last year, the 45-year-old actor was accused of causing $7,000 worth of damage to his New York hotel suite after tossing furniture around because of the monetary demands of the escort.

Before the alleged incident, Charlie - who is currently in the process of divorcing wife Brooke Mueller, mother of his 22-month-old twin sons Bob and Max - was reportedly found by his assistant naked and covered in cocaine in a restaurant toilet.
Jacked from Contact Music


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Okay 1/27 - today is 1/31 - you are posting these articles too frikin slow - by the time you post them they're old news ole tea just plain old... catch up already.....

Anonymous said...

charlie should hit me up i got the white girl for the low, never been stepped on , straight form Escobar's private reserve . this is the shit Jesus , Mohammad and Moses was on

jane said...


Anonymous said...

He is slowly killing himself. I'm sure his family feels this way, but what can they do? I don't know how he stays busy acting and making money, while DMX stays in jail. To me, they are in the same boat, except for the obvious difference.

nba is fixed said...

The fucked up part about this incident is that the LAPD isn't even thinking about arresting this spoiled brat hollywood drug addict. If it had been DMX, TI or any other rich black man best believe he would have been sent to prison (Oh wait, it already was TI ande DMX).

Abel said...

can we get the video of this???? will be great viewing!!!

Anonymous said...

TI nor DMX ever shot a woman. (Kelly Preston)

The sad part is that this pathetic drug abusing, drunken driver woman beater never did any jail time.

He wrecked 2 of his cars not far from his home, and just walks up the hill in his drunken stupor and reports the car stolen. He has beaten the crap out of all his wives, and shot one of his girlfriends. He has been brought up on drug charges more times than Linsey Lohan, yet he has never done any time in jail. Probation for good ole Charlie. Boy will be boys, yuk, yuk, yuk.

Chris Brown's career was ruined because he beat up the alien bitch. Charlie Sheen has been beating and abusing women for more than twenty years, but he gets rewarded.

He may be getting all the breaks now, but his big break is going to come when they find his ass dead from a massive overdose.

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