Thursday, January 27, 2011

Kendra's New Sex Tape

Kendra Wilkerson has a new sex tape and this one stars her and another woman.

Kendra Wilkinson is proof that the past is never buried -- when it's on video.

A new sex tape featuring Kendra with a girlfriend is on its way to being sold publicly, has learned exclusively.

Less than a year after Kendra's home-made sex tape with an ex boyfriend became an instant $ucce$$, the ex-Girl Next Door is starring with another girl in a tape shot approximately the same time at the first one.

"Kendra has sex in the video with Taryn Ryan," a source close to the situation told exclusively. "They were friends and were hanging out together, with their boyfriends.

"It's a long tape, about 45 minutes. And there is nothing left to the imagination."
Ironically, the tape was shot by Justin Frye, Kendra's ex boyfriend and partner in last year's sex tape.

Justin shot hours of tapes of Kendra having sex and last year Vivid had a huge hit with the first release. Now the details are being worked out for the release of the new tape.

And although Kendra publicly assailed the release of the first sex tape, as exclusively reported she secretly signed off on the deal and received a hefty payday.

Now, she stands to profit again from her newfound status as a reality porn star.
"Kendra and Taryn started fooling around and then Kendra wanted the light turned off," the source told "But the camera that was recording them had night vision, so it looks like the Paris Hilton porn tape. Everything is completely clear.

"The girls are laughing at first, and the guys are encouraging them to kiss each other. They started kissing while giggling and then things got hotter."

The tape is explicit, the source said. was first to report that Kendra formed a company to sell a sex tape while she was living in the Playboy mansion, but that deal never went through.
When Vivid released her sex tape last year, Kendra got a large up-front fee and a percentage of sales.

Her new costar Ryan did not return's calls for comment. Taryn's husband told that he did not want to comment on the situation.

Jacked from Radar Online


Anonymous said...

WOW! NEVER tape any sexual encounters with anyone and you will not have your skeletons coming out of the closet...even tho, she is making $$$ - still embarassing for her hubby and probably for her too!

Anonymous said...

This is so typical!

Anonymous said...

Please! These people are not high society, they are trash! Professional athletes are trash 9 times out of 10. No upstanding family is going to push their kids into athletics for a career. They enter real professions with stability and longevity. Most professional athletes are first generation out of poverty, especially in the NBA and NFL. So this is why these men can date women who were practically streetwalkers and hardly bat an eye.

Also, many women experiment with other women especially when you're young and in college. It's not uncommon at all. Filming it is a byproduct of the advances in technology we have. If there were video cameras and camera phones that were accessible to everyone the way they are now, many more women would have been exposed lol.

Kendra's past is obviously not a big deal to Hank. She was a playmate and lived with Hefner, we all knew this. Clearly she'd have more in her closet and i am sure he is not surprised. will he take some ribbing from his teammates? Of course, but they all screw sluts on the daily so he is not alone here. He isn't even a known player so it's not like he will lose endorsements. She probably makes more money than he does. His inner circle is probably full of men who are either dealing with their own ho to housewife issues or men who wish they could be dating hoes lol. He is not rubbing elbows at The White House or on the upper east side of Manhattan. He is a low rate football player, did you people expect him to marry Claire Huxtable? LMAO.

Anonymous said...

@1:51 I agree wholeheartly. Good one on *ho to housewife issues*. lol

Anonymous said...

we're talking about a woman who had sex with and lived with a walking breathing dead corpse that is hugh heffnar, so please, embarrasment is not in her vocabulary, embarrasment is not on her radar. she is a woman that feels or thinks anything short of shame or having morals. she's about paper and sex. and it speaks volumes about hank if that was the type of woman he chose to marry. and honestly, i'm tired of hearing about them. i find them as interesting as ice t and his manly cocco

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

It's the norm. Release sex tapes. Then you can build an empire. Be featured in magazines, write a tell all book.

The little girls of today have no self-respect

Anonymous said...

Cosign with anin 10:40 pm

This girl has to be temoved from the air!!!

Anonymous said...

Kendra is soooo skanky - how and why Hank married her I'll never know (not that he's any catch either with his ADHD looking ass) but he can't get all bothered now - what the fuck he expect marrying Hef's side piece.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said... go to my ustream page.....

Anonymous said...

This bitch...

meagangoodmustyblacktights said...

yo she a ho just like fishy same boot wearing meagan good................hollywood slores

Anonymous said...

She gurrrguled and swallowed Hef's semen without choking, slurped the balls and licked the booty hole but hey I'm jsut saying respect a hoe who put in work, u'mmm yeah okaaay, gigidy gigidy alright!

Anonymous said...

@4:11, Ewwwww did you have to go "there" lol. And lol @3:40's name choice.

amberroseranthrucrotch said...

well that bitch got 4 pairs of tights... u tell me??????????????? lmao

Anonymous said...

I've seen sexier women in line at the local supermarket, why does this shit happen, come on people stop falling for the dumb shit, there is absolutely nothing interesting about this female, what is she famous for, the brown eye face squat?, the slurp and gulp, spit bubbble blow, two fingers and a stiffy, fuck sake get some new pants bitch, the Tide stain stick is calling!.

Anonymous said...

@meagangoodpants twitter account

Anonymous said...

gossip jacker owner can we please get some NEW POST ON THE WEEKEND......IM BORED AT WORK...OVA HERE... 4 CRYING OUT LOUD. @UBERFABMAKEUP

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