Thursday, January 27, 2011

Jesse James New Nazi Photos

Jesse James caught up in new Nazi furor.

After Us Weekly uncovered a 2004 snapshot of Jesse James dressed in a German Nazi hat giving a "Heil, Hitler" salute last spring, the motorcycle mogul, 41, denied claims of anti-Semitism.

But now Us has discovered new, similarly disturbing images involving James, posted on Facebook by ex-employees of his company, West Coast Choppers. In one pic, James grins and sits in a convertible alongside a pal who gives the infamous "sieg heil" salute; another image features a children's book character, Flat Stanley, dressed as Adolf Hitler.

The chilling photos are featured in the new issue of Us Weekly (on stands now).
"He's into history," an insider explains of the undated pics, which were posted in October.

Adds the source, who insists James isn't a skinhead, "The swastika deal is to scare people. It's part of biker culture."
Jacked from Us


Anonymous said...

"He's into history"....yeah, and pedophiles are into children...smh

Anonymous said...

Lol he's into history. Sandra Bullock knew this man was an anti-Semite and racist which is why I have no sympathy for her ass. She was over 40 and despersate enough to marry a monster now she is Americas sweetheart. Fuck her.

♫♥☆♪MoN!QU3♫♥☆♪ said...

Kat is apparently racist too so it makes sense that they're together

Anonymous said...

Oh joy ! Another stupid dumbass redneck who idolizes nazi's. Do you retard. Carry on

GailS said...

Now that's the Jesse we know!

Anonymous said...

Man, I don't give a rat's ass if it's for kicks and giggles or not. If this loser ever comes to Winston-Salem, NC. I will personally get some barbed wire and hang him. Some things are just a definite, non-negotiable no-no.

Anonymous said...

Sandra Bullock should be shot and ashamed for adopting a black baby, just so she could wash herself off from this mess. Yea, she knew her husband was a fucktard nazi worshipping racist. I used to really like her and thought she was grounded, but I woke the hell up. She fake like the rest of hollyweird. Her black baby might have a life of luxury, but he's gonna be so damn confused and screwed up. These celebs live in fantasy like it's one of their movies.

Abel said...

cosign with most above.

Fuck sandra i've no sorrow for her she nothin but a media whore like her husband.

when this prick was on celeb apprentice donald "dump" trump basically said the only reason sandra was with this walking spunk stain was he was good in bed.

being into history is cool enough but to wrap it around yourself as he has is evil.

Abel said...

WHAT the fuck she doin makin adoption look fashoinable to ppl with fame and cash???

I dare this prick to put shackles on his feet and post the pics.

Anonymous said...

So did Sandra purposely get a black baby to irk him or to prove to us she ain't an anti semetic.... in either event this whole thing with Sandra, her tatted up Nazi lovin ex and his tatted up definitely Nazi fiance is tawdry and typical of hollywood.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Hitler would have murdered this brown eye fool! Sandra "I didn't know my husband was a rascist Nazi loving fucktared" claim's ingnorance yeah ok and the state of caliweird gave her a black baby, you know that childs in danger, lord only knows what their doing to that innocent child, fucking devils!

Anonymous said...

@10:53 You're so on point. That baby isn't safe with Sandra Bollocks! That bitch is a good faker. She was down with everything her mutant husband was into! Bitch better be glad she has enough money to bury the tapes she and Jesse made doing vile and wretched shit together. She better hope that baby doesn't grow up and hit her over the head with a shovel!

Anonymous said...

^^^^Heil to....Deese Nuts^^^^

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