Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Lamar Odom Says Khloe Kardashian Changed His Life

Lamar Odom says his love for Khloe Kardashian totally transformed him as a man.
Lakers forward Lamar Odom is as open a book as you can get. Ranging from his early childhood adversities in losing his grandmother and mother, his marriage to Khloe Kardashian or his on-court play, he's fairly forthcoming on any subject.

That's why it shouldn't be surprising that an interview with Playboy led Odom to talk so openly about his marriage, his playing days for the Clippers and whether Kobe Bryant is better than LeBron James.

Among the highlights:

On how marrying Khloe has changed him: "Men, most of the time our goal is to have what we want when it comes to women. . . . Most men like more than one woman. A lot of them would not want to admit that because that might not be cool, right? Most people don’t want to get married. Being married, that’s a responsibility. I always used to tell that to women. I don’t want a girlfriend because that means I’ve got a responsibility. I have a responsibility to call you. I have a responsibility not to be with another woman. I have a responsibility to be there on time when you need me. With her I was like, If I do what I normally do, I’m going to lose her. And if I lose her, I think it’s going to hurt a lot. Right then and there I knew. We were together every day."

On accusations their love is fake, and their marriage is a “PR stunt"
: “That’s just how gossip works, you know? You can’t stop it. Because at the time, with us being so successful — me in basketball and her show doing so well — it was too big. It was too huge. It caught people off guard. It looked as though we had too much to gain. That let me know, damn, it’s a big deal. Even the wedding was big. The list of her family friends was crazy. Those were her people showing up, showing their love. For some people that was too much to even think about. And it was quick. I guess that just added to the speculation — ‘Why can’t they wait?’I didn’t want to wait.”

On how his life changed when his mother died of colon cancer when he was 12: “I probably got closed off. My concentration level changed. School was just something I would not concentrate on. I wouldn’t allow myself to. I became detached. I got in touch with a cold side I probably wouldn’t have gotten in touch with or maybe would’ve at a later age. I have that kamikaze button in me now where I can cut things off maybe a little too easily.”

On his initial NBA experience in L.A. after being drafted by the Clippers
: “Rock and roll. When I was in L.A., I was 19. I was probably the most noticeable player, even though we had some good players on that team, some talent. . . . In L.A., we can’t be as good as the Lakers, so I was getting all the love the Clippers were getting. It was a learning process, learning how to deal with success. Smoking pot, doing things I shouldn’t have been doing.”

On who is the NBA’s best — Kobe Bryant or LeBron James: “It’s hard to say who’s the best. Last year you would have given it to Kobe, and three years ago of course he won the MVP . . . even though my dude LeBron is having another extraordinary year, Kobe is skilled. He’s at the point in his career where he doesn’t have to average the most points. People think whoever averages the most points is the better player. They’re both playing at high levels and they’re both incredible players, but I always have to go with the home team.”
Jacked from The Lakers Blog


Anonymous said...

Good luck Lamar, sure hope you're not being taken for a ride! Nahmean

Anonymous said...

He's star struck, and naive!

Anonymous said...

This is sooo fake.

This is a PR stunt for their show so that everyone can watch this mess.

Khloe already busted Lamar cheating.
She found out by reading the blogs. You know her and Kim stay on the blogs.
Word is that she has become so clingy and straight crazy. If you read her twitter, she is always saying how they are spending time at home, doing nothing. This is because Lamar can't go anywhere now without her.

He is playing this mind game with her. She is so insecure.

Anonymous said...

Khole asked Lamar to say all of this. If she said it, everyone would know that it was all a lie.

Abel said...

I'm sure she weears knee pads for lamar.
this is mega media whore at its best for him and her.

Anonymous said...

Team Kris used her contacts at Playboy to get this bs printed and distributed to the media to create a buzz for their new show. Apparently, interest in the new show from sponsors is lower than Kim's morals, but they refuse to accept defeat.

Anonymous said...

I don't get it - doesn't he have kids - you mean to tell me he impregnated a woman who didnt make him feel like this - to hear him talk he only knew love once he met Khloe so what was baby momma a receptacle? black men are trifling.

Anonymous said...

I love Khole but I don't believe this guy, he loves all the media attention, he has a history of leaching on to women who are in the lime lite.

Anonymous said...

FAKE! didn't Lamar state a couple of months ago, how sick he was of khloe and the whole kardashian family? LOL these lyin ass stories

Anonymous said...

I don't think he leaches onto women in the spotlight, his baby momma, who he was with for 11 years or something super long term like that, is not at allllll famous. Whether he cheats or not, I think he really appreciates Khloe and her family, especially bc he doesn't have any family really of his own. Even though her fam can be crazy with each other, they are close, and I think he feels secure and comforted with that.

Anonymous said...

@1:22 Thanks for your scripted response. It seems like you were paid to type that.

Anonymous said...

Good for him. Get yourself a white woman and you'll be happy.

hey cutie said...

@12:41 that is so stupid.. all the black men I know with whitewomen are black and ugly as hell and insecure, andthe white women justgive them a few beige babies, get depresssed because they realize why a black woman wouldnt take him,(because he aint shit).. They are stuck.. to the whiote community they are trash their children are muddles. So they either turn to alcohol, crack or meth as a source of comfort. So no find womeone you truly lovewhether black or white and make sure you are together for the right reason

Anonymous said...

@ 3:54 ouch I laughed so hard my ass crack laughed too...

Anonymous said...

I think he really loves her but I think she had ulterior motives when she got with him....$$$$ and to be taken care of.

I can see Kris pushing all of her girls to get with men with money because it's obvious they are a very status driven family.

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